Expect VENOM to combine classic adventure in the mighty Marvel manner with espionage action and even a touch of horror.
“The tone merges the same brand of ferocious hardcore violence fans of Venom would expect with the international high-adventure of ‘The Bourne Identity,’ globe trotting from bleak Eastern European war zones to exotic Marvel Universe locations like the Savage Land,” lays out Remender. “It’s James Bond style worldwide adventuring with high stakes espionage, intrigue, fast action and an opening mission that holds the stability of the world in the balance. The result is a harsh lesson in the consequence of a secret life, and the mental duress of an exhilarating, yet temporary, [redacted].
“The chalice is poisoned; [redacted] can only wear the suit a few days at a time and the assignment itself is finite [as] for his own safety he will one day be taken off Project Venom,” he continues. “The tension is only compiled by the stress of keeping his black ops missions secret from his loved ones, the classic Spider-Man villains he’s set against, and the deep depression he begins to feel when separated from the suit and the [redacted] it offers.”