Menlojames Custom fun and repaints some new figures

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Re: Menlojames Custom Fun Troy Achilles update

Achilles looks fantastic, it's nice to get your grail figure! Great job taking the beard off.
Merle looks great as well.
Re: Menlojames Custom Fun Troy Achilles update

Achilles looks fantastic, it's nice to get your grail figure! Great job taking the beard off.
Merle looks great as well.

My thoughts too.
Like the running man but hair needs a trim:)
Gunna work on ps termimator using the hot toys head.
I like yours also, nice to see the old sculpts getting love.
Got a few myself gunna repaint.
Re: Menlojames Custom Fun Troy Achilles update

Thanks Rdeezy, I really appreciate your kindness. I was not happy about the previous job I did with this amazing head so I repainted it to try and do it better justice. Let me know your thoughts


This has to be your best paint up so looks great

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Re: Menlojames Custom Fun Troy Achilles update

Achilles looks fantastic, it's nice to get your grail figure! Great job taking the beard off.
Merle looks great as well.

Thanks Artoo, I really appreciate it. I spent a ton of time with a metal file and one of those foam sponges and thankfully it worked in taking off his beard. I really enjoy the semi historic action movies like Troy, Braveheart, Gladiator, Last Samurai. I hope to have some more grail figures soon from these movies.

Thank you sparkstron73, I can't wait to see your terminator the HT head is a great pick. For a while I kept jumping to the newest version of each head but the oldies still kick some but. Thanks again!

Wow Thanks Rdeezy, Thanks for the compliment!!!

Thank you everyone for your kind words! :hi5:
Re: Menlojames Custom Fun Troy Achilles update

This is a fun one I have been planning for a long time and got the itch to start on today. There is still a ton of work to do on it but I thought I would share my Progress so far. I primed painted and sealed the entire body today. Am making all his armor and weapons and finished painting his head. This is what I have so far. I am several hours in and have a lot more to go. Let me know what you think so far.

Re: Menlojames Customs LOTR Lurtz Uruk-Hai post 625

The skintone you've got on Merle is definitely your best till date. Great work man. :clap
Re: Menlojames Customs LOTR Lurtz Uruk-Hai post 625

The skintone you've got on Merle is definitely your best till date. Great work man. :clap

Not a fan of bb but that is one fine paint up indeed looks very realistic.New figure shaping up good.
Re: Menlojames Custom Fun Troy Achilles update

This is a fun one I have been planning for a long time and got the itch to start on today. There is still a ton of work to do on it but I thought I would share my Progress so far. I primed painted and sealed the entire body today. Am making all his armor and weapons and finished painting his head. This is what I have so far. I am several hours in and have a lot more to go. Let me know what you think so far.


This is awesome! Looks like sooo much work went into him.
Re: Menlojames Customs LOTR Lurtz Uruk-Hai post 625

Which sculpt is that Lurtz from? I was looking at two that might work.
Re: Menlojames Customs LOTR Lurtz Uruk-Hai post 625

Looks like the Star Toys kit. I have that and was also thinking of making a non-Lurtz Uruk out of it eventually. Nice work!
Re: Menlojames Customs LOTR Lurtz Uruk-Hai post 625

Thank you Annihilate22, I hope to keep improving.

Thanks Sparkstron73, I hope you like the pictures below.

Thank you TurdFerguson, I ended up doing much more then I had expected as I didn't use the vinyl chest piece as it was way to small so I ended up cutting metal sheets for his shin armor and chest armor and sword. Thank you again!

Thanks Dwing, It is inface from the Star Toys Vinyl kit that is undersized but the head is just right. I also used the shield and vinyl stand from that set.

Thanks ChibiSchmoo, your right thats the one, I look forward to seeing your Uruk-hai figures in the future.

He is almost done I used darth maul gloves that I will be switching out with real brown leather gloves. Once I get them he will be complete. let me know what you think so far. Thanks again!

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Re: Menlojames Customs LOTR Lurtz Uruk-Hai post 625

I like it:)
Would weather up the leathers edges make it look less new.
Get the sandpaper to him.
Bet that sheet metal is sharp?
File the edges give it an older feel aswell.
Good work, where did the head come from?
Re: Menlojames Customs LOTR Lurtz Uruk-Hai post 625

Thanks sparkstron73, I will keep working on him I did some more work recently but need to do a lot more.

I just painted up 4 heads and thought I would share the first two.

Re: Menlojames Customs LOTR Lurtz Uruk-Hai post 625

Menlojames Great Job with all your works You Inspire Me. :D
Re: Menlojames Customs LOTR Lurtz Uruk-Hai post 625

Thanks so much guys! I gave Will Brown eyes I will post more pictures soon it must be the flash
Re: Menlojames Customs LOTR Lurtz Uruk-Hai post 625

His eyes were always brown but I fixed the left one, I didn't like the pupil placement. I am thinking eventually I will repaint Sammy his dog. Let me know what you think.

Re: Menlojames Customs LOTR Lurtz Uruk-Hai post 625

Quick update, I just finished Lucius Fox

Re: Menlojames Custom fun Lucius Fox post 638

I got this great Sculpt from the Amazing Erick Sosa Zkulptor and Painted it up last night I put the rest together today. And it is the return of the Mack or Jared Nomak The Reaper.
