I'm hoping for Special Ops in Cambodia during 'nam. Metal Gear meets Apocalypse Now.
Some are speculating that it could be a multi-platform or 360 game, because the countdown ends at the scheduled time of the Microsoft E3 conference. I could care less where it lands, I own all of the systems.
I'm hoping for Special Ops in Cambodia during 'nam. Metal Gear meets Apocalypse Now.
That and the fact microsoft have said they have an unannounced AAA game to be unveiled at the conference
Yes, it is BB. No doubt about it.
Cool ! I hope you xbox owners get to enjoy this amazing games.
MGS4 still my Favorite game of all times!
I got a PS3 as well mate
explain the image of raiden which looks post mgs4
Does this mean more Big Boss figures? Hot Toys.....................Please?
Of all of the MGS games, 3 is by faaaaaaaaaar my favorite. I enjoyed 4, but not near as much.