bro ! that looks so sick !
Thanks SS! I like how with my crappy camera and poor lighting it almost looks like it's glowing like the game

bro ! that looks so sick !
Once again one upper nice work man I love it
Sent from the Shell by codec.
Thanks Jason, hopefully we get a official Sam blade if PAK does a Sam figure.
I get the feeling it would be a big seller like Gray Fox was.
I would certainly buy it unless they ****ed up. Dude's a bad-***.
He could also come with an extra arm and a masked face. Extra arm because in the DLC, he doesn't have that armoured right arm, but an arm like the left one, with just the body suit qualities.
That accidental glowing sword picture looks cool as hell
Sent from the Shell by codec.
It isn't available yet. Sometime this month though.
They did release some screenies already:
is what I'm talking about with the arm.
Oh wait, it's going to be released tomorrow, April 9th.
Thanks CH, it would be a slap in the face if they didn't do Sam. I mean, it would be a waste of a license if they didn't expand from it.awesome work on the sword! Very cool!
I too hope they make a Sam, even though I'm not that far in the game yet (only had 45 minutes to play so far) the unique cyber ninja look to Sam is cool enough I would think it could sell a few thousand figures...
That looks great, I wonder why they got rid of the arm armor.
Thanks CH, it would be a slap in the face if they didn't do Sam. I mean, it would be a waste of a license if they didn't expand from it.
Were getting 5 from MGS1 alone.
When he was George before he got amnesia and Traveled back in time to appease the Muramasa blades hunger for the perfect duelProbably because Sam lost his arm sometime.
When he was George before he got amnesia and Traveled back in time to appease the Muramasa blades hunger for the perfect duel
Gotta remember Square does a pretty good job of making even the random support characters, so I'd be surprised if they didn't make it...though the longer we go w/o hearing about a Sam PAK figure, the less likely they'll make him since they have been trying to get the release of the game and the release of the figure to within 60 or so days of one another recently (which is great for promotion of the new figures/collectibles).
Let's hope we see a Sam soon...maybe SDCC?
When he was George before he got amnesia and Traveled back in time to appease the Muramasa blades hunger for the perfect duel