Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

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I really do hope sideshow gets the license for Metal Gear eventually. I would love to have a collection of PFs. If there was an ip that is perfect for PFs Metal gear would be it.

i'd be all :thud: & :yess: and :monkey2 with happiness

Just put my order in for 3A's Metal Gear Rex. Jesus what a mech. That piece was too awesome to pass up.


Congrats, it's gonna be ...can't even think of a word for good :lol
Just got an email from amiami that solid snake play arts is shipping out, so I should have it by this monday hopefully.

eBay sellers could have some in stock already I'm guessing.
Just got an email from amiami that solid snake play arts is shipping out, so I should have it by this monday hopefully.

eBay sellers could have some in stock already I'm guessing.

Are you from the US? If so how much did they quote for shipping?
What pisses me off is the folks saying "Hulk is taking soooo long" "wheres my P2 already i can't wait" they don't know what waiting is, there's at least 4 licenses announced before those that have fans waiting longer than them for figures.

I know what you mean. That's why I stopped visiting the Marvel section. There are a bunch of people who just want Hot Toys just to keep dedicating their time and resources to certain figure lines (keeping in mind that Hot Toys has a limited staff at its disposal). But, it's all business I guess; to do what will (or what Hot Toys thinks will) generate the greatest amount of profit in the shortest amount of time.

Two years and not announcements is still a big fail :slap. Konami doesn't hand out the Metal Gear Solid license to just anyone, and Hot Toys should have felt honored that they were even given permission to make the figures in the first place. I still have hope that we'll see Hot Toys MGS figures in the near future, but they've pretty much squandered two entire years by sitting on their asses and doing nothing. If there are no announcements by this year, I think Konami should just revoke the license rights from Hot Toys to teach them a lesson. It'll be more of a loss to Hot Toys than us.
Are you from the US? If so how much did they quote for shipping?

18 dollars for shipping figure worked about to be 84 dollars with 4 day shipping. Try hobby link Japan, amiami is sold out. You could probably order both ninja and solid snake and save on shipping.
HLJ is fantastic, I buy from them all the time. If you can wait a week or two, go with their SAL shipping and you'll save a lot.
From Amiami
Subtotal: 4,390 JPY
Shipping (to CA,US: SAL): 980 JPY
Grand total: 5,370 JPY
Total about US$ 62.82

CornerStore pre-order price is $54.99, but arriving in MAY/JUNE.
I know what you mean. That's why I stopped visiting the Marvel section. There are a bunch of people who just want Hot Toys just to keep dedicating their time and resources to certain figure lines (keeping in mind that Hot Toys has a limited staff at its disposal). But, it's all business I guess; to do what will (or what Hot Toys thinks will) generate the greatest amount of profit in the shortest amount of time.

Two years and not announcements is still a big fail :slap. Konami doesn't hand out the Metal Gear Solid license to just anyone, and Hot Toys should have felt honored that they were even given permission to make the figures in the first place. I still have hope that we'll see Hot Toys MGS figures in the near future, but they've pretty much squandered two entire years by sitting on their asses and doing nothing. If there are no announcements by this year, I think Konami should just revoke the license rights from Hot Toys to teach them a lesson. It'll be more of a loss to Hot Toys than us.


[VENT]Many of those posters also lack consideration for others who've been waiting longer, they want more and more and more without a single thought to others getting nothing at all or a mere two figures and left hanging, i just find it incredibly selfish to be honest, i mean i'm not interested in Platoon but i want those figures to come for those fans because they've been waiting a good bit for them.[/VENT]
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I'm not going to complain about things getting made that aren't things I want. I also am not going to complain about people who want things I don't want or assume those people are being inconsiderate to others who want something else. It's kinda of a leap in logic to assume that because person X wants item Y they don't want person A to get product B.

It seems kinda weird to me and more than a little counterproductive. Just be happy with what you do get, there's a lot of MGS merch out there, and don't worry about what other licenses are getting in terms of merch. It seems like that path leads to nothing but powerless anger so why bother?
I'm not going to complain about things getting made that aren't things I want. I also am not going to complain about people who want things I don't want or assume those people are being inconsiderate to others who want something else. It's kinda of a leap in logic to assume that because person X wants item Y they don't want person A to get product B.

It seems kinda weird to me and more than a little counterproductive. Just be happy with what you do get, there's a lot of MGS merch out there, and don't worry about what other licenses are getting in terms of merch. It seems like that path leads to nothing but powerless anger so why bother?

Your're right it isn't very productive, i need to vent every so often.

What i was intending to say is that, as it is hot toys for quick gain are overproducing from some lines and under producing from many others.

One person would say "where is Hulk i can't stand the waiting" another would retort with "Avengers was only announced 4 months ago, there a X licenses announced X months/year before that and so are due first, i'vebbeen waiting longer than you", the initial person would say "F that i want Hulk you're thing can wait some more". From a community of HT fans that's inconsiderate to fellow collectors.

Now Avengers is guaranteed all the main line-up, they know it's definitely coming and haven't been waiting long, a person with zero updates on the progress of the licenses (which figures, if any) announced before Avengers is understandably annoyed and wants their figures but is dismissed as just not important, and this isn't just one license but all except three or so.

I want them to have their figures too, but if its a case of them having 8 figures and three other licenses getting nothing then i'd choose 2 from each to be fair to all collectors thats just me.

It's like a society of haves and havenots, the haves want more even though they've got plenty already and don't care about the havenots, the havenots just want something, anything at this point and can't afford to wish for more.

I know this won't help but i need to get it off my chest cos HT have cast me as a havenot as all of the fresh licenses i want they have but not one has a figure yet, not even one and the figures i've got on order have all been delayed from last year :(

I'm a Hot Toys :FREAK: in detox and not enjoying it :lol

Rant over :lol

:peace :peace :peace
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I just want to get Play Arts Solid Snake and Gray Fox figures. I don't care about Hot Toys MGS anymore. Sorry HT.
Your're right it isn't very productive, i need to vent every so often.

What i was intending to say is that, as it is hot toys for quick gain are overproducing from some lines and under producing from many others.

My point is, you can't know that and I hate sentiments like this as they're just pointlessly negative and possibly not even correct. Is it impossible that Hot Toys loves doing the Iron Man stuff as much as people like buying them? Overproducing implies they're making more than the market can support which is clearly not the case. If it's such a "quick gain" situation then why when they do re-release something like the Mark II, they totally re-make the whole thing basically from scratch when they could just as easily just re-release the existing mold if all they cared about was money. Hot Toys is never a company to rest on their laurels, even when they easily could.

Sure, they can make all the Iron Man and Predator figures because they sell, but that doesn't mean that's the only reason they make them and it's not exactly a leap of logic to think that the popularity of those lines also exists among the people who work at Hot Toys.

On a similar subject I'm sure a lot of people are upset at all the attention Metal Gear Solid gets. There's TONS of stuff I want, including licenses that Hot Toys has announced that you dont even hear people complaining about. I don't lash out at other fans of other products that HT makes because they haven't made them yet. There's even plenty of MGS Play Arts figures I want that probably will never get made, again, not upset that there's like five different Solid Snakes and none of the other characters I want.
I wasn't lashing out if i was i'd be in there threads havin a go and that's just not cool.

When i say overproducing i mean too many figures (15 tony starks) made in relation to too little of other lines (0 Magneto)

To me a collectible company with many licenses needs to keep variety pumping to service their all of their customers, hot toys don't have that variety anymore. Enterbay doesn't stick to the same licenses, Sideshow has 3 different products each week from three different lcenses, threeA don't play favourites with thrir projects.

'Quick gain' refers to the money from tackling 'it' projects without sufficiant other projects hitting the customers aswell, its great for now but in the long run people will grow tired of the remakes, versions, variants and reissues of the same characters and licenses and take their business elsewhere which loses them customers.

I'm no expert by any means but customer service is extremely lacking with hot toys, i dont respect their practices anymore.

By this time my order list would have about 8 figures, but it hasn't because their not available to order as hot toys aren't handling their projects well at all.

They need to expand IMO.


Anyway this is all best in the HT MGS Forum, let's let this get back to Play Arts :peace
I have to say, I totally disagree with everything you have said there and I'll leave it at that.

In Play Arts news, man I hope my Fox ships soon.
My point is, you can't know that and I hate sentiments like this as they're just pointlessly negative and possibly not even correct. Is it impossible that Hot Toys loves doing the Iron Man stuff as much as people like buying them? Overproducing implies they're making more than the market can support which is clearly not the case. If it's such a "quick gain" situation then why when they do re-release something like the Mark II, they totally re-make the whole thing basically from scratch when they could just as easily just re-release the existing mold if all they cared about was money. Hot Toys is never a company to rest on their laurels, even when they easily could.

Sure, they can make all the Iron Man and Predator figures because they sell, but that doesn't mean that's the only reason they make them and it's not exactly a leap of logic to think that the popularity of those lines also exists among the people who work at Hot Toys.

On a similar subject I'm sure a lot of people are upset at all the attention Metal Gear Solid gets. There's TONS of stuff I want, including licenses that Hot Toys has announced that you dont even hear people complaining about. I don't lash out at other fans of other products that HT makes because they haven't made them yet. There's even plenty of MGS Play Arts figures I want that probably will never get made, again, not upset that there's like five different Solid Snakes and none of the other characters I want.

I guess that you haven't been paying much attention to the recent Hot Toys releases. There were so many "Classic Predator" figures released that it caused the prices of the Predator version 1 to plummet in the secondary market. It's pretty much a given that the same thing will happen to the version 1 Iron Man figure, when the Iron Man Mark II gets re-released. In addition, the prices of Hot Toys figures have increased drastically, and they're currently pouring out all of their current lines, to the point that nothing is being sold out anymore. If that's not over-production, then I don't know what is.

As to whether Hot Toys "loves producing stuff as much as people like buying them", well Howard Chen did express great interest in acquiring the MGS license a few years ago, as he mentioned that it was a "good omen" that there were people in Kojima's staff who collected Hot Toys. So, with everything said, from the way that I see it, Hot Toys has chosen the business route of "quick gain" rather than what really interests them from an artistic sense.

But, back on topic, the problem stems from Hot Toys pushing certain licenses to the back-burner (eg. MGS), and continuing to use their resources to progress other lines. Customers aren't the ones to blame for this, but they are inadvertently enabling Hot Toys to make "more of the same", so to speak. As long as Hot Toys sees that there's a great demand for something, they'll continue to make more. But, it's just a shame that they've never considered the demand that the Metal Gear Solid line would have brought them. Like I said, they've squandered an entire two years by doing nothing with the license. Even if they just announced one MGS figure, most of us would have been satisfied.
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I whole heartedly agree.

Even though I know it will be August :slap

It might take longer, depending on whether there are any improvements on REX to be made. A few folks from the ThreeA forum have already spotted a few inaccuracies when comparing the prototype photos to the in-game images. So, I'll just be thankful if REX ships on schedule :lol.
I love ThreeA, but I would surprised as hell if it shipped on the estimated ship date. They seem to average 2-3 months late on just about everything. They are getting better though.