I bought mine for $250. This was way back in 2005. Regardless, be proud Croc Cap owners, this one's a real keeper.
No kidding, bro
It's the only 1/6 Medicom figure that hasn't been re-released. But, it lost a bit of the lime light because of that bootleg figure from Head Play.
Don't tempt me to get the Metal Boss!
Anyway, I was wondering, what are you all up to on the 4th of July? Anybody going on a figure spree or something?
What would you guys say the definitive mgs1 look for snake is?
It can only be his portrait on the codec screen that's the only real accurate clear image of him right
Don't tempt me to get the Metal Boss!
Anyway, I was wondering, what are you all up to on the 4th of July? Anybody going on a figure spree or something?
i dont care about mgs anymore. anyone wanna buy some mgs figures?
not sure if thats really true solidus. the prices are still about the same. also, the prices you guys paid were inflated. remember, they only came out at $150ish anyway. anything over that is good imo.
Sounds like a blast!Just got done BBQ with my GF. First time I ever cooked with one, came out pretty good.
What would you guys say the definitive mgs1 look for snake is?
It can only be his portrait on the codec screen that's the only real accurate clear image of him right
ive had a couple of offers for things to do. i went outside and was like "F" that, im staying in til it cools of later. dont know about you guys but its like 100 with a bunch of humidity over here. i dont even wanna go for a ride on the bike in this ****.
If only 4th of July sales extended to 1/6 figures.
I'm gonna cook up some burgers later this afteroon!
Btw, you didn't get Metal Boss, either? My reasons were probably different that yours. I was ticked off at the time, that someone would go out of their way and mass-produce a bootleg for an existing figure like RAH Croc Cap Snake (whether they did a better job than Medicom is subjective). But, it devalued the Medicom figure for its existing owners, and Shinkawa didn't even get compensation for something that he had originally designed.
im not. i wanted to say something seriously silly to see if a silly person would take it seriously enough to comment. silly guy.