convetionsales on ebay just listed 4 blue raidens. theyre 125 plus 9 shipping. he doesnt have them in hand yet. hes going to the convention and buying them. if he cant fulfill the order hell refund your money.
Haha true! Btw, anyone who missed out on the YELLOW raidens can order them at AMIAMI now! They have more listed but with damaged boxes! super cheap price though! $55!![]()
Thanks man. This will be the one I open. The other one I bought earlier last month is still in box.
Normal Raiden (Black)- can find him for a good price on eBay for around $70 shipped or even Amazon for $80. Its hitting the low $100s however.
Yellow Raiden- Well besides the link from AmiAmi, around $120-$160
Blue Raiden- New postings on ebay for about $130, but if you manage to go to Comic Con or have someone get you it, it costs $70
Red Raiden- I believe he was just the standard PAK price of like $69.99 for the preorders (which are all sold out), have yet to see him on ebay
White Raiden- this one is around $130-150
Wow there are too many.. Are the difference between the normal version and blue version recognizable? Thanks
Good luck. I decided to buy every MGS PAK at the beginning of the year. Cost me about $2000 to buy singles of all of them (and I own 2 of most of them).
When did the one you got go up on ebay?
I've got the two most expensive ones (Solid and Fox), so I should be able to track down the others at reasonable prices. Kaz and Meryl are fairly easy to come by and the various Big Boss figures aren't crazy expensive...yet.
talk to jackd, he has a red ninja hes always trying to trade with people. he might give you a nicer deal than that on it. maybe...................hes a good dude. btw $200 is retail on cocoon. hes almost $300 on average. popcultcha in australia is where i got mine. i paid about $270 after shipping. i just looked on ebay, the name is cardmania_australia. they have him for $182+shipping.