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I tightly gripped the sides so when i was bending the rail gun backwards the arm didnt articulate with it and it just popped out

You could also get a spanner to hold the grip in place so it doesnt articulate whilst you pull. I didnt use any up or down motions

So you gripped the connector tight and pushed upward and it popped out?
you can swing the rail gun so its pointing inwards or outwards on display - picture swinging the railgun backwards so its pointing outwards but while gripping the joint at the half way point so the rail gun is facing forwards. so any more you pull the rail gun backwards it seperates from the connector
Should you hold the plug section over the top or with a underhand grip on the bottom? Also, the circling motion, do you be circling length wise? Kinda like you're cranking the whole gun up and down? I can't believe I just said that...

i held the connector (top & bottom) with my left hand where you can get the firmest grip, making sure my left thumb is on the top to the right of the piston. with my right hand, i grabbed the rail gun right where it connects to the arm, gripping completely around it. i basically was rocking the gun up, down, left, right, simultaneousy whilst pulling outward (wow, that was even worse.....). it gets looser and looser as you do this, while rubbing past the snaps. just make sure you arent too rough because remember, the snap pegs are very tall. hope this works.:hi5:
Does it really require an immense amount of force? I tried last night with moderate force and it didn't budge not even a little bit. They were so stupid in it's design.
they shoulda used a magnet system....................yeah it does actually. if you do it like i said itll work. after i did it, stupid me like to push the limits, i immediately tried it again 2 more times with success each time. i would very gradually just go tougher and tougher. itll pop. i think is that the hooks are too sharp initially so the first pop is major.
ryan dont get discouraged, its an excellent toy

Thanks Jason, I think by the time RAY comes out we will be more forgiving toward REX. Probably.

I mean, I always wanted both REX and RAY left and right with my home theater in the middle. Imagine how cool that would be.
Can't believe I'm saying this lol.

Is it better to perform this with REX facing you or away from you?
By the time you do it youl of probably ended up making a 3rd way of doing it. CQC did an up and down/circular motion, i just peeled it backwards and god knows what yours will take!
By the time you do it youl of probably ended up making a 3rd way of doing it. CQC did an up and down/circular motion, i just peeled it backwards and god knows what yours will take!

Mine feels like it's bolted to the arm. And just to clarify further, when you say peel backwards, you mean you grabbed the two fingers of the gun and pushed it straight up right?

sent from a tormented past
That would be wonderful :duff
There wasnt really much i could illistrate here


Imagine the rail gun is attached, (front of rex is to the left for orientation)


And thats literally all i did. It doesnt look like much but i just bent it outwards at a slight angle and it came out. I gripped the gripper tight and pulled the railgun outwards and it popped out. It did take alot of finger strength but at no point did it feel like it was ever close to breaking point

I didnt need to twist the arm up nor down or jiggle it, it was like 1 "peel" motion.

Probably doesnt help much, i couldnt go in to depth as i suppose i got lucky!
That's a big help! So just peel from the top outward? I think the main problem I have is that I wasn't holding it from the gripper properly.