Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

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huge nerdgasm!
i know you guys were hoping for this!! lookin at Pitu

WTF? Cyborg Deadpool? (I know its not but c'mon):)
Holy crap, those PlayArts figures look amazing! They even added the alt for the Ninja which you get after a certain number of play-throughs (was it second or third?). Any word on the release date?
Question is, when are the Play Arts coming out, and when they do, how much will they cost. Ever since they started to gain a little steam, I have seen the price jump a little bit, making me kinda skeptical. I do have the sneaking suit snake from Peace Walker, and absolutely love it, BUT, I only paid $40 for it. I'm seeing the new Street Fighter Play Arts figures now going for up to $70!! Here we go again! Follow in the footsteps of Hot Toys, and drive people away because they can't afford them. If they keep the prices down, I honestly think that they can corner a small niche in the hobby, making them a great company. We'll see.
Question is, when are the Play Arts coming out, and when they do, how much will they cost. Ever since they started to gain a little steam, I have seen the price jump a little bit, making me kinda skeptical. I do have the sneaking suit snake from Peace Walker, and absolutely love it, BUT, I only paid $40 for it. I'm seeing the new Street Fighter Play Arts figures now going for up to $70!! Here we go again! Follow in the footsteps of Hot Toys, and drive people away because they can't afford them. If they keep the prices down, I honestly think that they can corner a small niche in the hobby, making them a great company. We'll see.

they really are becoming a fav of mine for the quality and price. i assume that a higher price is due to better quality but we'll see. Here in the U.K on the official square site they all cost around £30-£35 which is amazing.

also they keep pumping out franchises like crazy and they listen to the fans. Theyve defo got my money with Vanquish, Metal Gear, Batman and Halos Masterchief. No other company consistently make me wanna buy like this!

@Pazu one of the representatives at comic-con said the Metal Gear figs come out early 2012 but i think it may come out earlier as they look done now
The Street Fighter figures are $55 at Sideshow I believe, way better than paying $70 if you're talking US dollars.
check out the HD MGS premium package! new art oh yes!!


don't know whats in it yet though. I wonder if this art will be on the ultimate collection?
The Street Fighter figures are $55 at Sideshow I believe, way better than paying $70 if you're talking US dollars.

Just take a look around the net, and you'll see what I'm talking about. I personally don't plan on paying close to that much, but still they're out there for insane prices.
They look just awesome. I'll be waiting more shoots of Solid Snake :yess::yess::yess:

There is more news about this, it will be released in the US?

more info from :

Konami will be releasing a ¥9,980 limited edition for both games. For Peace Walker, this includes a copy of the game, a Play Arts Snake figure, and a vocal tracks CD. For MGS HD, this includes a copy of the game with a special Yoji Shinkawa illustration, a "The Art of Metal Gear Solid The Original Trilogy art book, and a soundtrack CD.

The games will also get Konami Style limited editions priced ¥14,980 each. These include all the goodies from the limited editions. In addition, the MGS HD Konami Style version includes mug cups for MGS2 and MGS3, and an original headphone and bag. The Peace Walker Konami Style version includes a Peace Walker mug cup and a Kazuhira Miller Play Arts Kai figure.


artbook looks huuuge! this will be mine


also this is all there was for Rising
^I think that the head-sculpt for MGS 1 Snake looks great for what it is. Yoji Shinkawa helped to design the figure, so he probably wanted to create something that was more true to his own artwork.

Seriously, I CANNOT WAIT for these!
Just when i thought it was safe to start saving money again, Looks like ill be spending a little bit more on these, they look incredible!
Hi guys, my first post here :wave

Since i saw the Snake prototype, i got very excited about this figure. I just couldnt wait to see it painted.
The truth is, when i did see it painted, i noticed something in the head-area was off but I couldnt say what. When I compared the painted one with the prototype, it struck me. It's the neck. Man, they streched it.
I think thats ehat making it look a bit worse.
Since you guys are far more experienced than me, what do you think about this? Which one do you think its better? And also, do you think the neck thing is just because they forgot to pop it in?

welcome to the board Ricky. I see what you mean about the neck, im sure they did that for possibility but its mostly covered by his collar. I still like the proto from comic-con better for the face but its definitely growing on me



neck looks normal in this pic tho

looking at this pic i get the vibe that you can push in the shoulders to cover up those massive joints! nice touch
lookin forward to these and more play arts Metal Gear figures!!

more pics here:
The body is very stylized isn't it? Same goes for the head really. I love it! Can't wait to get Snake. It's also made that little bit cooler by the fact it's a scale I have no figures in!!