I just assumed it was from how it looks, maybe it's got SP.
I think they did that on their own, they made Kojima what the world made of Big Boss.It's ironic that MGS2 was all about information control and controlling the wills of people, and Kojima has done that. Through thick or thin, they just continue to follow and can't develop a cognitive thought on their own.
It's ironic that MGS2 was all about information control and controlling the wills of people, and Kojima has done that. Through thick or thin, they just continue to follow and can't develop a cognitive thought on their own.
I think they did that on their own, they made Kojima what the world made of Big Boss.
It doesn't help and most of this fanbase started with MGS3 or MGS4.
Like I said, these folks are the exactly the type of people the game was berating. And come to think of it, gamers of 2001 probably didn't deserved the harsh scolding!![]()
I wish Kojima was more discriminatory of his fanbase, but he has a huge ego.Either way, it is what it is and I don't ever see it changing from that. Even if Deek Strangling is a bomb, it will still get a 93 on metacritic since his name will be on the box.
Something about MGS3 and PW really changed how the fans thought. MGS2 in hind sight might be his best game, but he pandered to have a larger audience and just kept watering the plots down to the paper one in V. I think he should of been left to his own devices and left after MGS2.
Although you might be right about MGS4 playing part in it since Konami was getting death threats when he wasn't the original director.
I think they did that on their own, they made Kojima what the world made of Big Boss.
It doesn't help that most of this fanbase started with MGS3 or MGS4.
I wish Kojima was more discriminatory of his fanbase, but he has a huge ego.
He's smart, he should know getting praised by idiots doesn't mean a damn thing and ultimately just hurts his work.
MGS4 had a vocal minority of reviewers who didn't think the game was that good anyway, and such publications were absolutely trashed, torn into shreds by sharks. One of my biggest regrets in my fanboy life is that I was one of those sharks. I was 22 when MGS4 came out, so young, dumb, and eager to pick a fight. (not that much has changed, mind you).
Nowadays, my opinion of the game couldn't be any different. While I still enjoy the game as a guilty pleasure, it wasn't anywhere near a masterpiece it was hyped up to be nor was it even actually needed. It was honestly closer to bad fanfic than an official continuation and who knew it would go on a downward spiral from there on.
That's amazing to me considering MGS4 is the better game.
I still like MGS4 a lot, but it suffers from 3rd movie syndrome, it's the worst one from the 1, 2 & 4 trilogy, like Godfather 3 and Return of the Jedi.Nowadays, my opinion of the game couldn't be any different. While I still enjoy the game as a guilty pleasure, it wasn't anywhere near a masterpiece it was hyped up to be nor was it even actually needed. It was honestly closer to bad fanfic than an official continuation and who knew it would go on a downward spiral from there on.
I think he still cares about that, and probably has as brilliant ideas today as he had when he made MGS2, but his damn army of yes-men around him is hurting his technique.He stopped caring about being an artist years ago, so I don't think he minds.
MGS4 is so objectively the better game, it can't be more blatant. The gameplay (what's there of it anyway) was focused, diverse, and it was already a mini-sandbox of sorts. It also objectively had the better music, sound and one could say graphics.
Over ambition killed MGSV, not Konami.
I still like MGS4 a lot, but it suffers from 3rd movie syndrome, it's the worst one from the 1, 2 & 4 trilogy, like Godfather 3 and Return of the Jedi.
I think he still cares about that, and probably has as brilliant ideas today as he had when he made MGS2, but his damn army of yes-men around him is hurting his technique.
Although his cinematography might be better than ever. I'm not sure if it is because of the better technology or because he's grown as a cinematographer.