I still don't get the message the developers were trying to convey with the zero nukes goal. Kojima, of all people should know that that's not how things work in real life, no country will give up their nuclear arsenal and it's childish to even suggest the idea. Is the game being patronizing? That if we all loved each other, the world will magically be a peaceful place and all wars and terrorism will stop? Or is the game trying to say that if all sweaty nerds like me would give up my virtual, make believe nuclear arsenal then maybe the world's superpowers should do the same because love and tolerance exists? Gimme a break.
Maybe in a fantasy setting- where the world is threatened by fire breathing dragons, that giving up our nukes will lead to tolerance and the princess of the fair land could finally mate with the elder dragon and give birth to a new Snake, then yes I see the point.
This is juvenile at best, and doesn't do anything to raise awareness of nuclear weapons coming from a series that did it so damn well in the past.