This one always makes me chuckle.
Still havent taken it out of the gamestop bag yet.
It's KONAMI's Umbrella Corps.
Metal Gear has long been dead. Like Dylan mentioned, they don't care about Survive so much they flock to bash it.
Such insufferable divas.
Frankly, there was nothing more to do with the series. It was a nice ride, but I think it's long run it's course. There was only so many times you can put out pretty much the same formula with really nothing innovative to offer. Sons of Liberty was the peak.
MGS4 was an awful ending.
Peace Walker and MGSV were utterly pointless and offered nothing to the lore except more Japanesy horse **** that did nothing to deepen and expand the plot aside from making you feel dumber after taking it in.
i realy want to play mgs4 lately, but just dont want to set up the ps3........we really need a port to ps4 badly.
I love MGS4. The cutscenes are indeed way too long but the story is good for the most part.
The ending is just perfect. I used to not like it but today I apreciate it a lot.
Even the FOXDIE thing makes sense. Snake is a walking killing machine and even tho new FOXDIE is raging war against old FOXDIE to liberate his body... eventually it will become the same abomination. So Snake has freedom to live the rest of his live and see what happens... or end it to prevent potential epidemy. It's his choice now because he's no longer a soldier on a chessboard. This is his personal freedom.