Super Freak
Chronic Backstabbing Disorder 
Thanks ZR & RP
I will be checking all that out!
Can't right now, at school.

Thanks ZR & RP

Can't right now, at school.
I was at a japanese market place with friends, and this caught my eye. One of them is into Metal Gear (she has a Foxhound keychain, neat) and said it was probably worth it.
Tasted ok (I don't see why Big Boss and Eva love it so though) but I'm glad I tried it regardless. I just remember going all "OMG METAL GEAR"
That's a very bad list, no MGS4 (haven't played MGR yet so I can't talk about it), Batman way too low, and other games that didn't deserve to be in the list imo.
Ugh, that is such a failed list. Uncharted 3 shouldn't even be there, and Fallout 3 was practically glitched and broken beyond repair on the PS3.
Also, it's crazy how there was no mention of MGS 4. Yeah, I didn't enjoy the storyline, but it was still an immensely fun MGS game, with lots of mindless, breath-taking cinematics. Excluding it is unforgivable.
Plus, there was also no mention of God of War 3, the Ico HD Collection, Ass Creed (II, Brotherhood, Revelations), Valkyria Chronicles, etc. Seriously, IGN is retarded. Ni no Kuni makes their list as the best JRPG but NOT Valkyria Chronicles?
I think Playstation exclusives should take precedent on that list. And even if they were i disagree with most of it. Stardust - really?