They pretty much gave away everything but the Medic twist in the trailers. As straight forward as MGS4 was, at least it didn't pull a fast one on anyone just for the sake of it... although Big Boss being alive is stupid.
They pretty much gave away everything but the Medic twist in the trailers. As straight forward as MGS4 was, at least it didn't pull a fast one on anyone just for the sake of it... although Big Boss being alive is stupid.
You mean, the "no son, guns are dangerous" parental advice that came 45+ years too late?![]()
I dont like the twist about there being 2 big bosses. But at the same time, i could never handle the fact that Solid beat Big Boss after how much of a beast Big Boss was on the battle field. How he was the original. Turns out i dont need to worry about that any more. He didnt beat him. And never could. To the point it feels Kojima made V just as an excuse to say that Solid couldnt beat THE Big Boss.
No matter how you look at it, the PW and TPP Mechs completely **** up the continuity.
Shagohod crawled like an infant, which is a natural start... and it wasn't intended to ever be a walker. PW ran like a dog, and ZEKE walked up right... why did Retard REX need to stand up even taller? Only for REX to stand hunched over again? Not to mention these make TX55 and D look like drooling idiots in comparison.
Funny how PW and Retard REX are vulnerable to gun shots and the Shagohod isn't, whatsoever. It needed to be broken in half to be vulnerable.
You forgot about RAXA. That was the way it should have been.![]()
Oh yeah. It's a shame the only good MGS3 sequel gets buried and ignored. Incorporating the Saturn rocket was pretty clever.
MGS3 and MPO were all about circumventing conventional delivery systems, since at the time it wasn't so easily achievable to have a full range ICBM.
MPO was a better MGS story than PW and MGSV combined, and it didn't resorted to retcons or cheap gimmicks either. It's a shame fans are too eager to dismiss this game as it could very well be the last great MGS in its purest.
You got that right. It was straightforward, and didn't need obnoxious twists in it just for the sake of it.
Despite not liking what they did with "Null", it was interesting to see him and Campbell.
can we talk about the wolbachiya now? I have an entire dissertation to discuss.
Steve Blum was also a great villain. He's sick enough to kill his own men, but he fights for what he believes is right and even gave BB the funds to raise an army. He reminds me of Solidus Snake whilst Coldman and Skullface are cartoon baddies at best.
Campbell and Elisa were fantastic, and Jonathan was the only person following Big Boss who actually had a personality. Gray Fox leaves a lot to be desired, but I guess he's not that bad. Oh, and Python was a pretty awesome foil for Big Boss.
Darn it, I need to get a PSP to play this again. Do you still have a PSP, Pliss?
Oh I'm sure the dudebros will all pander to Medic Snake. They're the worst gaming community on the net, and probably the worst of MGS too.
For the first few years after MGS2, I despised Raiden, but Fake Boss has nothing on MGS2 Raiden. Nothing at all.![]()