Player: Is that Volgin? Looks exactly like his outfit.
Kojima: Yes, it's Volgin.
Kojima: Yes, it's Volgin.
Player: Is that Volgin? Looks exactly like his outfit.
Kojima: Yes, it's Volgin.
On a sidenote. I S ranked all the main missions and got Raiden, and I only have about 40 side missions left. After being the main game, it became dull really fast. I don't think there's ever been a MGS to lose it's luster so quickly. Even MGS4 had a ton of replay value.
This is the same exact missions over and over.
Remember the Project Omega trailer from 2013? Why did Kojima tease Psycho Mantis like this, if he had no plans of fleshing out his character in any way? Mantis wasn't even given any lines, he just disappears as fast as he reappears on screen.
Are you using the guide to help you out with the S-ranks? I might pick it up, since it's pretty cheap.
Boy oh boy, I have this crazy craving for classic MGS for some reason. Maybe after I get the platinum trophy for MGSV, I'll replay MGS1 to 4 again.
The side missions and all the other requirements are INSANELY time consuming, and it's been confirmed to take about 200 hours. I swear to God I won't be touching MGSV in years if I get the plat.
That would be awesome. I'm wondering though, when the real Big Boss sends Solid to infiltrate outer heaven, was that because he wanted to get rid of the phantom or Solid?
Yea, Zero taking a back seat in the story again was tragic, his voice actor was great. More Skullface would have been even better though, he one of those villains where no matter how evil he is, I still understand where he’s coming from.
I think thats why SkullFace is one of my favorite villains in the series, because there really isn’t a grey area with him, he’s a bad guy for sure, everything he’s doing is out of anger, a lust for revenge, and out of his own selfishness, but what caused him to be bad makes sense, its interesting, and it almost makes me route for the guy. Then when you look at it, all the horrible stuff that was done to him, is happening to Venom Snake unbeknownst to him.
That's why I like Skullface too. I actually don't find any of these villains' action to be grey. They're perverting good ideals. They can justify it all they want, and I can appreciate the good that resulted from their evil actions, but it doesn't change the fact that they were doing horrible things.
I know some here considered Solid Snake a villain after MGS4, but to me he was always a hero. He was so awesome because he went through such horrible things and was tossed around like trash till the end, and he still kept his altruism. I found the game so encouraging for anyone who tries to do the right thing and repeatively gets messed over. I'm sure his final days aren't going to be the best, but Solid Snake will pull through, and I love that. I still consider him the hero of the series, even though Big Boss is my favorite character.
He left as fast as he was shown on screen, and I hated the way that I had to catch up about his conversations on the cassette
But, why was he even taking out his anger on Zero and Big Boss in the first place, when neither of them slighted him in way? He could credit Major Zero for giving him a second-chance at life, with a position and influence in Cipher. So, I just don't understand his motivation for being so extreme. He lost his face during a war and was badly burnt, but there are millions of people who are affected by war, and brutalized, he's no different than anyone else in that regard.
The character was given a great introduction in Ground Zeroes, but I don't think Kojima handled him particularly well in TPP. I remember Kojima said in an interview that Skullface would be someone we knew. At first, I expected some sort of twist to be reveled, but there wasn't anything of the sort.
I think Skull Face's death felt cheap, too. There wasn't a boss battle, there wasn't even a prompt to pull the trigger. He left as fast as he was shown on screen, and I hated the way that I had to catch up about his conversations on the cassette tapes.
Well, I agree with that - Snake keeps his ideals and doesn't change who he is, regardless of what he's faced with.