Super Freak
Ummm yeah most certainly not her body in MGSV
It was done for the greater good!
I thought the same, it's probably cause she was already established in Japan as a model and speaks Japanese, and probably was one of the cheapest of the cast. but yeah, she's an "idol" case.I think Konami was pushing Stefanie way too much. She's not only the model for Quiet, but also Quiet's voice actress, and they had her sing Quiet's Theme. Not to mention all of Kojima Station ads, and Japanese commercials. It's one of the more recent cases of a corporate built model/celeb if I ever saw one, because (to put it bluntly) she was a nobody before this game came out. But, I wonder she's popular enough, that other companies are going to recruit her for their games now.
For realSeems like we aren't the ones who should be ashamed of our deeds.
She's built like a low rent stripper.
Isn’t the whole point of this game to show that Legend was greater than the man?
The ending shows us that Big Boss is nothing more than a cult leader, Diamond Dogs, Outer Heaven, Zanzibar etc… all apart of his war-cult. If you look at it, By the end of Peace Walker, he was already a demon.
like it usually is.
Well, since PO he's done that, also, remember how he was supposed to be like el Che Guevara in PW, well he was always supposed to be that kind of figure, the revolutionary (zanzibarland), mythological douche, he's even wearing a similar hat in MG2.
Raiden even had a future at the end of MGS2, with Rose and their future child, so he had something to really look forward. Snake didn't have much (IIRC)Well, I'm glad Big Boss's story is over because frankly I'm sick of the character. He was awesome in MGS3 and MPO and as far as I'm concerned, you're supposed to fill in the blanks yourself on how he made his heel turn.
Like I said before, my biggest problem with BB is that he's slowly but surely becoming unrelatable despite being the poster boy of MGS for some reason. What made Solid Snake and Raiden so relatable is that they both wanted out the second the could, with Snake retiring after the events of MG2 and Raiden expressing similar sentiments in MGS2. They both are not interested in war and conflict and would prefer to live civilian lives.
you don't overthrow Soviet government by being a coward.
What's wrong with Killing the boss? It was part of the mission and it's what the Boss wanted. Afterwards, everybody misused her "will", not only BB, plus he didn't stab her in the back, he took her head on.
What he did to Zero was a mercy.
Venom Snake did want to be turned into BB, it's said in the tapes.
Other than that yeah, **** for sure but certainly not a coward, you don't overthrow Soviet government by being a coward.
Isn’t the whole point of this game to show that Legend was greater than the man?
The ending shows us that Big Boss is nothing more than a cult leader, Diamond Dogs, Outer Heaven, Zanzibar etc… all apart of his war-cult. If you look at it, By the end of Peace Walker, he was already a demon.