That's more believeable than what I heard yesterday from some idiot I'm friends with on the PSN...
He thinks that dude is Volgin... scarred guy... maybe he's on to something...
He wasn't ****ing with me either...
He also thinks that camp was the "Les Enfants Terribles" camp... whatever the **** that means... maybe he's right, I mean that project was employed... at least FIVE YEARS EARLIER...
Reading this drivel should make all politicians Pro-Abortion.
I cannot stand a one dimensional hypothesis with MGS games... it just shows how ******* retarded people are...
I think I need to delete that turd, on basic principle.
You wouldn't believe the stuff that I've heard. At the Kojima signing back in June, there was one guy who thought that Fortune was the daughter of Vulcan Raven, and that Rising was originally named "Revengen-ence" but got the name changed to "Revengeance"

He was a really nice guy though, and had no problems watching my stuff when I had to take a few breaks. So, I didn't press the issues