On another note, does anyone else believe that this game is going to be a next-gen release, instead of the current-gen? Perhaps KojiPro has been using PCs as the benchmark for testing out the FOX engine, because it's too advanced (or too resource-heavy) for the current-gen consoles to handle.
Interested, but that suit AGAIN! And Big Boss AGAIN!No really though, that suit, why is it back? Why?
Liquid was the best villain in the series and he was thrown away after one game. The whole Liquid Ocelot pretending thing destroyed any replay value for MGS4, besides the bad story.
Whaaa?! Big Boss is boring compared to Solid Snake !?!
SS is the cliche good guy. He is portrayed as a naive puppet throughout all his games. Blindly following orders and getting into situations that every other cliche action hero or military style protagonist goes through. Every other character besides Solid has more than 1 dimension.
I know that could describe early Big Boss but we know he breaks loose from that. Solid did not.
+ we know how Big Boss ends up. And its not just accelerated " im too old for this crap " Solid Snake.
Peace walker was a dull and slow game. But i dont put that as a fault of the main character but the game itself given what system it was created for.
Yeah the whole liquid ocelot doesn't make sence. I mean if he wasn't really liquid, he sure did a good impression of him in mgs2 lol.
i've nooooooo idea about che outside of the pictureSo, Che Guevara inspired revolutionists from the Cold War are not cliched?
i've nooooooo idea about che outside of the picture
So this is the third missing link with Big Boss... yeah because the other two worked so well...
Or maybe it's because the other two didn't work out so well. Portable Ops was advertised as "the missing link in the MGS saga!". Peace Walker was also labeled as such. I also want a new game on Solid Snake man. In my perspective, Big Boss will always be a murderous villain who was once "good". Enough with his back story, that already spans 3 games (not including the new MGS)
From what i have read, i dont understand why they (the media) used the word "Snake" as at the end of PW Big Boss toss the bandana and said from now on call him "Big Boss". (I just think that when people say "Snake" they are referring to "Solid Snake" not "Naked Snake" aka Big Boss)
I don't mind playing as Big Boss again. Yes, PO & PW could have done better with the story (and other things) - but @ least they convey how and why BB started his mercanary co. (IMO, i like PO > PW. May be from the recruiting varieties of soldier) I do want to see more of Solid Snake, but the only place i think a cannon could be based on him is before MGS1 time.
According to the timeline, when was Snake born? Is it possible to see him in his late teens in this (GZ) (thinking no more than 10 years after PW incident)
And his appearance in MGS4 completely destroyed the finale to the series.
Kojima has completely lost his way with the story.
Is there any brief synopsis of the entire Metal Gear/Metal Gear Solid series? I need to know what happened outside of MGS3 and MGS4 lol. I never played peace walker, portable ops, etc!
Oh, and I'm lazy... I'm talking 1000 characters or less ahahaa