Based on overall look, this is how I rank Myers figures, official ones trying to be accurate.
1. McFarlane (7” and 18”)
2. NECA ‘78 (18”)
3. NECA RZ (7” and 18”)
4. Mezco / NECA 2018
5. ThreeZero H6
6. NECA ‘78 (7”)
Mezco looks like a damn sharp figure, the posability adds a lot of value, headsculpt looks great, my biggest nit is how “perfect” the jumpsuit looks due to being real fabric at a small scale, hurts the appearance for me a bit compared to sculpted figures, and I put the NECA 2018 at the same level because for all the good it has going, the vinyl “underwear” they use to hide hip articulation ruins the overall jumpsuit look a bit.
While not the most iconic pose, I feel like McFarlane has the best overall representation, good work on the jumpsuit, solid head sculpt, and regardless of feelings towards the movie, NECA’s RZ Myers is the best Myers they’ve ever done.