I've never see that before. Interesting, those designs look similar to the ones from the new film. Donatello has the glasses, the mechanical bow-staff, Leo has a similar style too and Michelangelo has the clothing and a bandanna similar to what Raphael was wearing in the new film. This makes me feel better about the designs in the new movie.
I still think the turtles are too big and strong. Why do they even need weapons or ninja skills if they are so powerful?
I know this movie might suck, And people DON'T have to like it, I also know Bay is crap and he is not a good entertainer.
But that pic really shows that the turtles were going to get crazy and look weird since the 90s. All they did for the new one was pretty much tone down these designs
Can you imagine a movie where Michelangelo turns human? WTF.... who would play him? that's too bizarre. And monster Raph and Hulk Splinter? I almost kind of wish they did this movie just to see what the fans say about it