What source are you trusting?

MJ...his lawyer's...or just that feeling in the pit of your stomach? I'll stick with fact that after a thorough investigation by police looking into complaints filed against him he was charged. I'll stick with the fact the District Attorney's Office felt there was sufficient evidence to go to trail. What of earth did the media have to do with this? They simply picked up the story and ran with it like the vultures they are. Fortunately for MJ, he had enough money to pay off the families of the children affected, and avoid going to trial. And this wasn't a one time event or a one time payoff either. If you're MJ, just how many multi-million dollar payoffs do you have to make before you figure out maybe it isn't a good idea to allow children to sleepover at your house, and in your own bed no less.

And don't think for one second I even remotely understand why those parents took the money instead of going to trial because I never would have done that myself. Maybe they did so on the advice of the DA, maybe they just didn't want to put their kids through the stress of a trial, or perhaps they were just plain greedy....I don't know. But what I understand even less than that, is why would someone risk losing their reputation, their career, and millions of dollars by not fighting the charges and allegations? I've got news for you, if someone were to ever accuse me of something like this I would fight it to my dying breath, and I would see to it that those who brought the false accusations against me would never see one penny of my money.
Now I'm not the kind of guy who worships or idolizes celebrites, I really don't care how well someone can sing, or act, or how fast they can throw a baseball...those things are admirable, but I'm certainly not willing to give someone the benefit for no other reason than they can do these things. That's just not good enough for me, and since admittedly I wasn't there, all I can do is go with is the evidence at hand and you can slice this anyway you want, but the evidence of guilt far outweighs the evidence of innocence [esp. since there isn't any] in regard to this situation.
That being said I am in no way trying to take anything away from him as far as his musical talents are concerned. I was in my early twenties when Thriller was released and I am fully aware of the impact he had on the music industry, not only because of his music, but because he was really the guy who put music video's on the map. Too bad his idea of thanking John Landis was to stiff him out of his royalties....but that's another story. Was he a great singer, dancer, and entertainer....absolutely. Was he a good person....I don't think so.
It's kind of ironic to see MJ's family and lawyer speak out against the circle of people he had surrounded himself with, the "enablers" who instead of trying to get him the help he obviously needed, told him exactly what he wanted to hear. I suspect some of the people around here would have fit in perfectly with that circle of friends.
Now if you don't like my post you simply have the option of not reading it, that or you can stick your head in the sand and pretend it doesn't exist. That should be pretty easy for you, you've been doing that ever since this thread began.