What did you expect? Spandex and superpowers?

You want heroic, here is a true hero...

Major Richard Winters
Clearly to be a hero you have to wear a gun I guess.
If that's what you think.
What did you expect? Spandex and superpowers?
Clearly to be a hero you have to wear a gun I guess.
Like I was just explaining to my good buddy somewhere... Michael Jackson, apparently, is a hot topic like religion or politics on this board. Maybe Dave should ban all MJ topics since it seems like a really hard topic for folks to discuss.
I am sure when he said "our" he was speaking on behalf of people who feel this thread has degenerated from its purpose. Not an all inclusive "our", like you seem to have taken it.
What did you expect? Spandex and superpowers?
Main Entry: he·ro
Pronunciation: \ˈhir-(ˌ)ō\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural heroes
Etymology: Latin heros, from Greek hērōs
Date: 14th century
1 a: a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability b: an illustrious warrior
c: a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities d: one that shows great courage
2 a: the principal male character in a literary or dramatic work b: the central figure in an event, period, or movement
3plural usually heros : submarine 2
4: an object of extreme admiration and devotion : idol
What did you expect? Spandex and superpowers?
The rich do regardless. It cheaper to make your own# then let some random people pick a #.The innocent don't settle out of court.![]()
What's courageous about donating money? I don't mean this as a rub against MJ, I just find it interesting how people use the word hero these days. I know a lot of people who are VERY generous with their money...I definitely wouldn't label them as a hero....but a generous and giving person.
Some do, some don't. A soldier who throws himself on a live grenade to shield the blast from the rest of his squad is a hero. A firefighter who runs into a burning building which may fall at any time to rescue a person is a hero. A train engineer who chooses to stay with the engine while it's speeding toward an approaching train coming the other way instead of trying to possibly escape is a hero. A man who jumps onto subway tracks to help someone they don't know who has fallen is a hero. MJ may have been a great philanthropist but in my book not a hero. Not making light of his charitable donations which are honorable, but when you were worth at one time over a billion dollars you can afford to be charitable.![]()
Clearly to be a hero you have to wear a gun I guess.
I think it all comes down to what you perceive as heroic. Personally, I don't think throwing money at charities makes you a hero.
I know a lot of people who are VERY generous with their money...I definitely wouldn't label them as a hero....but a generous and giving person.
Please don't take things so personally guys. People are going to dicuss this stuff. Good and bad. Not everyone is going to see eye to eye.
Big +1. There is a bridge near Hershey Park name in his honor. As I stated earlier in this thread, Shifty Powers just passed last week. Randy Shughart and Gary Gordon who were asked to be put into battle against 100's of enemy combatants to save the life of Michael Durant in Somalia, knowing they had little chance of surviving. Durant lived they both recieved the MOH postumously.![]()
You want heroic, here is a true hero...
Major Richard Winters
If that's what you think.
Bless you and thank you.A lot of people are charitable.....I agree that it does not make them heroic.
Definition of heroic: . Having, displaying, or characteristic of the qualities appropriate to a hero; courageous
What's courageous about donating money? I don't mean this as a rub against MJ, I just find it interesting how people use the word hero these days. I know a lot of people who are VERY generous with their money...I definitely wouldn't label them as a hero....but a generous and giving person.
He was larger than life....a person of heroic proportions....but heroic in a courageous sense...that I'm not so sure about.
BTW people,
I just created a Social Group for MJ fans...where we can have douche-free conversations about THE man!!
PM to get an invitation...