MMS 139 Resident Evil Afterlife Alice

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Re: MMS 139 Resident Evil Afterlife Alice?

i mean i will get it only becuase i liked her in the first one, but in every other movie i found alice to be obnoxious but that just me. I love this fire tho
Re: MMS 139 Resident Evil Afterlife Alice?

How does that compare when it comes to the production pieces? Do they put the same effort in?
Close but they always put more effort into the prototypes. The difference between the proto and final beserker were very different in the head sculpt. There was a lot more detail on the proto berserker head.
Re: MMS 139 Resident Evil Afterlife Alice?

trying to decide if the movie line would fit with the game line or not...can't say i'd want a movie chris after getting the res 5 STARS chris...but who knows, maybe they'll prove me wrong
Re: MMS 139 Resident Evil Afterlife Alice?

^Me too................
Re: MMS 139 Resident Evil Afterlife Alice?

I hope HT makes her sword metal.
Re: MMS 139 Resident Evil Afterlife Alice?

there were pics of her already from that expo but think they were taken down saw them over at the onesixth forum
Re: MMS 139 Resident Evil Afterlife Alice?

The face wasn't approved by Milla or her representatives, and since it is a licensed property, they could not (or should not have) shown it in its entirety in public. Haven't heard any word that all the legal stuff was worked out between the actress and HT, so until then the release date on this figure is in limbo land.
Re: MMS 139 Resident Evil Afterlife Alice?

The face wasn't approved by Milla or her representatives, and since it is a licensed property, they could not (or should not have) shown it in its entirety in public. Haven't heard any word that all the legal stuff was worked out between the actress and HT, so until then the release date on this figure is in limbo land.

not what i wanted to hear! :slap:gah::monkey2
Re: MMS 139 Resident Evil Afterlife Alice?

I think he means "yet"


Could be the same issue(s) that delayed the Mk IV RDJr HS? It's all speculation right now, but I'm sure it's just a temporary delay until all that legal stuff/scheduling stuff is worked out.
Re: MMS 139 Resident Evil Afterlife Alice?

for anyone who hasnt seen the pics they are up over at one sixthwarriors forum
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