Super Freak
Bad switch, it happens. My Mechanic has it too...take off the batteries. It sucks...

Looks fantastic, I love that bright red.
Sweet pic, IronPin!In my short time on this forum I have learned that while sometimes the nitpicking is spot on in this case the complaints aren't warranted, IMHO. I love the red they used on this figure!
Here is a picture next to my first IM figure, the Mark VII:
View attachment 207468
Can't really compare the two like that... Do you need a WM or IM more? War Machine is a great looking figure, but it comes down to which character you need more.
So, I am trying to figure out whether to pick this up, or pick up the AoU War Machine Mark II instead...
and have no idea which one to go for. Any opinion for anyone who has either/both?
Can't really compare the two like that... Do you need a WM or IM more? War Machine is a great looking figure, but it comes down to which character you need more.
I gave up my Mark VII and now I have the Mark 43, along with Hawkeye, Cap and Widow.
Part of me just says to stick with AoU and get War Machine... and part of me loves the classic look of the Mark III.
So you're just trying to assemble a newer team? If so, I'd say get WM since you have the 43.
Got my Mark III today, and for the first time ever, I've got scuff marks on the paint that look like someone touched it before his abs dried. Also the open masked head has two small black marks on the back of it. Don't think its worth asking SSC for a replacement, but I guess it was my turn after having a Mark VI who never got pink panties, and a Dark World Light Armor Thor who didn't get any damage to his skin lol.
mark 3 looks great with AOU cap