Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics
Heads are fine, paint's fine, oil free. Belt was on briefly for a these shots and now it's back off.
Great looking figure, much improved over the original figure, as if that even needs to be said anymore. Though, I can't help wondering, would it have been better in the end to have constructed the suit all out of rubber like the v1, this suit appears to have a combination of rubber and bits glued onto the rubber. It adds depth to the armor, and maybe the construction has nothing to do with the issues that have been found with this figure, but where they didn't happen on the v1 figure, can't help thinking the different construction could be a factor.
One thing that hasn't been mentioned here that I found kind of strange is that the belt connectors aren't teh same. The DX belt with gear on it is the same as the v1 but for color, but the plain belt with the DX just has one position to snap the belt close with at the back and no hook for the grapple gun. No biggy, just wonder why they didn't mold 2 of the new belt and add the packs onto one, since you don't need the back holster for the grapple gun anymore with the side holster attachment now.
Y'know, if for any reason the Arnold T2 figure disappoints me, i'm gonna sell it on and buy the DX Batman. I think it's the best win-win situation i've ever been in!
Great photos guys
Not enough funds fella, sadly!Dude!
Buy both and you will be in a Win^2 :chew
anyone on here ordered this figure from either assult rabbit or clotmaster fro ebay lately?? any problems with warping,paint,oil etc etc etc?? thanx
I got mine from clot_master some weeks back & the only issue I have is the abs armor oil...but it took a couple of weeks to manifest itself. I seem to have conquered it though by positioning the belt so it rides just below the ab plates.
I tend to think Geil is right....those plates are injected with some weird Bat-botox to make them puffy.
The light source in this set almost looks like the LED's from the base... it isn't though is it?