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Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

oh snap, looks like screenshot material now!! Is there any way to do this with the neck that comes with the DX?

thanks man, it is possible, but it would be hard. You would some how have to cut through the magnet. I would just search for a v1 neck
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

omg. that neck mod is ____ing brilliant and i'm pretty sure that i can even do that myself! off to ebay we go! thanks! :)
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

Looks great, Forigno. I might try that at some point.

BTW, this guy is back in stock at BBTS (5 in stock as I type).
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

that's a fantastic idea mate. Will definitely do this mod to my neck too when I've time. Thanks for sharing the pics and your idea :)
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

When you go to pay for the DX 02 on BBTS, it says, this payment is being processed. How long before you know it's yours if it is in stock?
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

When you go to pay for the DX 02 on BBTS, it says, this payment is being processed. How long before you know it's yours if it is in stock?

Mine changed from processing to shipped in around 24 hours or so... If you ordered while they still had stock you should be fine. Admittedly I was a little nervous as to whether my order was in stock or not until the order status changed!
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

Is it odd that i find myself wanting to take a chance with a 1st or 2nd batch DX now that i already own the DCD version? I mean it IS a "variation". And they seem to be pumping out the DCD version like crazy.

Yes, that is weird. The 1st and 2nd batch DX are the exact same figures, they're just defective. They're not "variants." And they're not pumping them out like crazy - they're quickly becoming very scarce, it seems.

Wanting to grab another DCD figure so you can display both headsculpts, though? That's not weird. I might even admit that grabbing a third (so you can display each faceplate) isn't weird...or a fourth, so you can have a maskless Bruce Wayne with the Bale headsculpt.

My goal would be to have three - one for each sculpt (Sonar, PERS, Wayne). I certainly wouldn't turn down four (Two PERS sculpts, so I can use each faceplate), but even if it weren't so scarce, I couldn't justify spending that much...
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

@lforigno, could u do a neck before/now picture comparison?
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

I'm still on the fence about this figure. It is amazing, but I don't really like "The Dark Knight" costume. I wish they did the "Batman Begins" one instead. Then I'd have one by now.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

They did do the Batman Begins one... two of them.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

I'm getting this guy now...I fear another OC fiasco when Bats 3 comes out in '12.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

When you go to pay for the DX 02 on BBTS, it says, this payment is being processed. How long before you know it's yours if it is in stock?

When it enters warehouse it's 100% confirmed you'll get it.

The warehouse is where your order is pulled, inspected, packed and shipped.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

thanks guys.. i just made it a little shorter now it is perfect.

Man that looks soooo good!

...Is there any way to do this with the neck that comes with the DX?
...it is possible, but it would be hard. You would some how have to cut through the magnet.
Has anyone actually tried this? Do we know how close the magnet is to the surface of the plastic? There might be enough there to dremmel down and look better.

I would just search for a v1 neck
I can only find them on ebay with the V1 head, which i don't need/want. :(
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

I'm still on the fence about this figure. It is amazing, but I don't really like "The Dark Knight" costume. I wish they did the "Batman Begins" one instead. Then I'd have one by now.

You know, you could still have one. There's like 2 or 3 for sale on the board.

Iforigno did you just leave the top of the neck and magnets exposed or did you sculpt over it? Can it still move up and down, side to side wihiut exposing the magnets?
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

Ah, good to know cheers. Now I know how Maglor feels. Though I think I'll pass, can't justify £20 - £30 for a neck and head. Especially since I have the v1 head useless sitting in the box.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

I can only find them on ebay with the V1 head, which i don't need/want. :(

What if we only want the neck?

And again, I ask: has anyone tried to dremmel the top of the DX02 PERS neck? How much plastic is there between the surface and the magnet? How hard would it be to dremmel through the magnet?