I will post pic of the TT neck to give you an idea as I did not take pics of me missing the DX02 neck but its the same idea. If you have a spare neck play with that first. I just used a knife to crack the neck at the seam but Comtech did it with pliers in the socket and forced it open that way which works as well. My mod is just as simple as cracking the neck open, remove the bottom socket and close it back up. This results in the ball sitting in the larger opening of the neck but with the socket missing it just sites lower. Loose but won't fall out. Just don't pick up your figure by the head
really nice sig, sfa!
Ed are you done with the medix?
The medi pants are the best of the three, why go with v1?
The medi pants are the best of the three, why go with v1?
In this case I prefer articulation over accuracy.
Medi pants poof out, and they don't allow enough articulation much like the DX pants.
In this case I prefer articulation over accuracy. Do you have the medi pants? you'll see what I'm talking about.
And Mag I can answer my own questions
Mayy be the best pose I've seen of tdk fig.
Medi pants poof out, and they don't allow enough articulation much like the DX pants.
In this case I prefer articulation over accuracy. Do you have the medi pants? you'll see what I'm talking about.
I don't see how that pose was pulled off. I'm able to bend my V1 TDK Batman that way, but I can't get him to stay. The pants push back too hard against the body for him to maintain the pose.
Absolutely love the pic, though. It's the reason I went and bought another TDK Bats after originally selling mine off when I bought the DX.