Thanks, that's what I figured, but I don't have the figure anymore to actually look at it.
Yea, this figure still holds up incredibly well considering how old it is. I wouldn't mind seeing a new one, though. As great as the first one is, and always will be, I'm sure a 2.0 would be even better. Obviously it won't happen, but I'd certainly welcome it if it did.
These figures still stand the test of time
This figure is still one of HT best, in my opinion. Out of my entire collection, this one is easily the most discernible because of the bright colors.
Likewise, this is a figure i'd never consider selling unless they did make an improved version. My collection would feel incomplete without him.
Do you feel the relaxed hands on yours look a little oversized for his body? I wonder if I'm just being ocd but they look big and kinda awkward on mine when held by his sides.
Did any of you guys try to add a more muscular body to this suit? Or maybe sculpt some muscles to the reeves body?
He doesn't need it.
The figure is a good likeness of CR's body in Superman.