I love that pose. It actually persuaded me to order this an hour ago.
Nice! Great figure IMO.
I love that pose. It actually persuaded me to order this an hour ago.
I love that pose. It actually persuaded me to order this an hour ago.
Got my Supes yesterday and I love it! (Copied the pose from that epic photo in the previous post)
My Supes arrived this morning! It really does compliment the original.
Yes, truly one of the most under rated figures ever (more so than Hawkey) and the kind of figure you really do need to see personally to fully 'get' the appeal...though some of the recent pictures have come very close.
We never regretted it for one second.
Got my Supes yesterday and I love it! (Copied the pose from that epic photo in the previous post)
Those are some sweet pics Para, and they also show why the straight, non-adjusted pictures never show the figures true colours so well...
My favourite out of your photos is the top one, and you can see the sparkling elements within the blue parts of the material itself, which must go someway to disguising the awesomeness of this fine figure.
Paramoremcr88 you just flat nailed it with those pics. I agree with DGTWoodward. Those photos truly capture the essence of that sculpt. THE definitive superman figure.
Paramoremcr88: WOW!
Nice pics para!
Hmm, I think this one looks even better than the first release. The dull colors give him a much more "real" look!
Hmm, I think this one looks even better than the first release. The dull colors give him a much more "real" look!