Hey guys, long time lurker new poster here. Guess this is not the proper thread to introduce myself so I'll just ask: any pics of this guy posed next to Bane? haven't been able to find any myself.
Totally, but I have this weird display in mind... guess I'll order it anyway, everybody seems pretty happy with this fig
I've had mine since they first shipped, but until now I didn't realize there was something we could do about defective parts... the pivot joint on the right foot is way too loose and it can't stand on it's own. Is there actually anything I could do about this or is it too late?
It's the toe caps. They are totally hollow and only pegged on either side with separate pegs. I have a spare set of feet i got for another project and took them apart to see the engineering.
You can use a set of side cutters to pull the pegs out on either side, then stuff the toe caps with tissue(Or even blue tack), wedge them back on and re-insert the foot pegs.
The toes will be tighter and more able to let him stand up.
Hey guys, long time lurker new poster here. Guess this is not the proper thread to introduce myself so I'll just ask: any pics of this guy posed next to Bane? haven't been able to find any myself.
I finally decided to open up my HT Zod after 2 months of keeping him in the package. This easily becomes my favorite figure of 2014 so far.
I'm thinking of picking up a loose Zod body for a custom Thor. The Thor head is from Hot Toys first Thor release but I'm afraid it won't fit (I tried putting it on a spare MOS but it didn't fit). has anyone used a non MOS head on this body?
Have you got a DX10/TTM20 body? That's the Zod body, so if the neck on that fits your figure, then get the Zod one.
Thanks. I don't have that body but I will look for pics of it. Hopefully, it will work.
If you want, I can try the hawkeye head on a TTM20 neck. If it fits, your plan will work.
thank you very much. That would help.
thank you very much. That would help.
Sorry about the delay. Also, sorry about the figure i used. It's the only one that had the TTM20 body.
I took the head from my Civvie Thor for the comparison. The neck was a *bit* tight on the head, but if you remove the ball socket connector inside the neck and use blu tack to hold the head on, it would fit better and sit lower.
Nice bulk on this body for Thor. You'd have to be the judge on whether it works or not.
Here are the pics: