If it were up to me, I'd make superman's only power super-strength. Flight is a feat of strength and that's about it. The laser vision is cool but not needed and I never cared for the ice breath. He doesn't need to be invincible, just hard to damage. Then there's no question of can he breath in space? How does he shave? Is he faster than the flash? It would just make him a better character, imo. Then maybe you could write him into situations that can't be solved with just strength. Then he actually fits as part of a team. He's the "strong guy." Flash is the "Fast guy." Batman is the "smart guy", etc. Superman kind of makes everyone redundant just because he can do everything. People love him for that but as a character I just don't see how that's interesting. The character's strength should be his connection to Earth and his willingness to put himself in harm's way for his adopted people. If he's not risking much, what's the point? Then they bring in these disaster scenarios just to give Supes a reason to get off the couch. Idk, I'm just ranting. It's like someone said before, if they can't hurt each then what's the point of even fighting?