It's a shame too, because no one is more disappointed than Sideshow themselves. It is funny to read all the comments on this and other boards as if Sideshow was trying to "get one by" the fans; they are bigger fan than most on this board -- and YES, their artists catch these things. It wasn't all that long ago that they were publically lamenting their production coming from China. It is sad though, when you have a homerun like Indy - even on the costuming front - and then something goes wrong. The economy is such a fragile beast, this is the last thing Sideshow needs right now.
True, I don't think anyone is suggesting that this was intentional by SS part. But it really seems like QA is a little lacking. If this were a first time occurrence, it would be an easy pass. But there have been a little too many occurrences since I've been a fan. Let's see: Green Dead Subject 805, Stealth IM, Aragorn change of likeness and hair breakage, this Red Moria Orc, and I know there are several others that I'm forgetting.
Of course sideshow is dissapointed. But it probably didn't have to be this way. I could look up an old post of mine that I posted during the SIM or green 805 and say that if I noticed this becoming a trend with the Chinese factories, I'd pay some US representative a little extra to perform source inspection and approve the materials and decision changes during the production phase. Is that being done? How many more times does this sort of thing have to occur before its implemented?
We are paying top dollar for a top dollar item. But when this sort of thing happens to the final product, it is no longer a top dollar item with an excellent attention to detail in all aspects that we've come to expect from Sideshow. It looks cheap. Hence, the $280 price tag is not justified.
I predict that there were at least 25+ cancellations from this board alone. Add the impact of statue forum and you'll have at least that many more. So maybe 50-100 cancellations may not seem like much when were talking about an ES of 750 for Exclusive and however many more for the regular, but think about the lack of confidence that just occurred to all the new sideshow customers that probably aren't aware of these type of boards. Somebody who is an LOTR fan and just happened by this incredible statue during SDCC and said, "I have to have that," and then he finally gets it and finds that what he thought he saw and what is now in his hands aren't one and the same. He probably will be feeling a little duped and wont be coming back for more.
Fix your act SS and quit allowing these sort of poor quality, bad business decisions to occur. The people have spoken. Sure we are all fools for paying ~$300 on a statue, but we'll only do it if it's of top quality in ALL aspects. A $300 item should not require ANY post coloring/weathering by the customer at all. If I wanted to do that, I'd buy a garage kit.
Did this sort of thing happen often when Sideshow was a smaller company?