Moria ORC PF

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Chavez.....did you have this on order and cancelled??

Yes I did.

I got out of LOTR years ago but I always loved the orcs and Urk-hai.I had sold my Lurtz but was planning on getting him back along with ordering this new Moria orc.But,now that they've turned this PF into the Grinch that stole Christmas, I'm going to have to pass..unless, SS fixes the problem.
from Statue Forum ....

Ok.....just got my Orc........first of's not that fire engine red that I thought it would be....Now I'm at my business and my lighting is it does look maroon.....however as some have said before that its is not.... it is the top layer of leather....I work with leather it's part of my is very thin and will stain with spit....already tried it out and when I wet my finger and touched it it darkened soaked it right up.....if I had tint in my spit it would have stained's very easy to stain if you want of now I don't know if I will stain it doesn't offend me as I thought it would.....need to see how it looks in its display spot...then I will decide....I'm sure glad I picked this one up......I know I must sound like one in a million....but I'm being sincere.....and it is my opinion.....I'm sorry for those who didn't wait to have it in their hands.....great sculpt....fantastic detail....the face is awesome......I will post some pics later when I have a this what was posted in their it's not......but it is sure not what I thought it would be after reading so many negative things about it.
I cancelled my brand-new flex-pay order. I would hope Sideshow might consider forgiving the cancellation fees on this item given the circumstances, but in any case I've got enough other stuff coming in the next few months that I don't need to strain to get something that I'm not very enthusiastic about anymore. I may pick up the regular if it goes on sale down the line.
xman said:
from Statue Forum ....Originally Posted by XMAN
Ok.....just got my Orc........first of's not that fire engine red that I thought it would be....Now I'm at my business and my lighting is it does look maroon.....however as some have said before that its is not.... it is the top layer of leather....I work with leather it's part of my is very thin and will stain with spit....already tried it out and when I wet my finger and touched it it darkened soaked it right up.....if I had tint in my spit it would have stained's very easy to stain if you want of now I don't know if I will stain it doesn't offend me as I thought it would.....need to see how it looks in its display spot...then I will decide....I'm sure glad I picked this one up......I know I must sound like one in a million....but I'm being sincere.....and it is my opinion.....I'm sorry for those who didn't wait to have it in their hands.....great sculpt....fantastic detail....the face is awesome......I will post some pics later when I have a this what was posted in their it's not......but it is sure not what I thought it would be after reading so many negative things about it. all.......Crazy!
I have no idea what in a camera would be making it such a striking color as some of these shots have shown. :duff

Dusty, respectfully, "what in a camera...making it such a striking color" is the fact that my statue looks just like the photos I've previously posted and am re-posting again. (And despite your emoticons, I was certainly lucid while I took these pictures, lol.)




And I'm really happy to see people calling me a liar about the color on the piece out of the box that I saw... I can only say what I saw with my own eyes. Thus, it could very well be that the colors vary from piece to piece and the one I saw 'wasn't that red'... because it wasn't nearly as red as those photos in the Ask Sideshow section. ... The one we have here is a bit redder than the original photos, but it is not cherry red.
I know most people have appreciated the early pics but some posters have questioned whether my Orc is as red as the pictures I've posted. Like Dusty, I don't want to be accused of being a liar. And as she's stated, I agree there will be certain subtle differences between final production statues. So accordingly, although Dusty says the production piece they pulled from the warehouse is not as red as some photos posted here (and I most definitely believe her), I stand by my assertion that the photos I've posted are representative of the actual item in hand. I love this piece; it's magnificent. So much so that I'll figure out a way to weather the fabric so that it appears like the original prototype photos. But yes, I am still disappointed that the final fabric color is so much brighter than the original prototype photos.
Dusty, I hope you don't let some of these posts get to we all know some people can be total ********, but believe me when I say that the majority of us appreciate you and Sideshow taking the time to answer our questions. :duff

No kidding, "Sideshow" finally makes a public statement - and they are jumped on and accused of lying. :monkey1

Man, it makes you wonder what took them so long? :confused: :rolleyes:
Now just a minute folks. I don't condone calling anyone a liar, but the gist of Sideshow's statement was "Those photos have been doctored or are otherwise not representative of the actual piece." But this flies in the face of what the owners of these pieces are saying. They have confirmed that the pieces look just like that in person. Is it fair to call them liars?
I can't stand this thread anymore. We have people who have it IN HAND for God's sake saying it is as red as the pictures show. And, yet people still feel the need to say the pictures might not show what it truly looks like. And, to wait to have it in hand. When some collector's already do. Geez.

Get over it people. :rolleyes:

I'm still a SS collector.

But as far as the Moria Orc goes, I canceled and I'm done with this.
XMAN on Statue Forum posted these pics of his, and it looks reasonably good. I don't think it's possible for lighting to make this color into the red that we've been seeing -- there MUST be differences between pieces.

Comparing the color of the sculpted clothing to the leather bits, they aren't even close.

I am so glad I canceled. I know if I had received mine, I would have kept it and tried to fix the clothing, but that is because I'm cheap bastard and wouldn't want to eat the cost of shipping.
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