I have managed to stay out of this firestorm since it had plenty of fuel on its' own. I am glad to see that, love it or hate it, we are still a group that is here because of a common passion (specifically LoTR).
I have to say I too am very discouraged by the "leather" tunic and the lack of weathered details and QC on the color. I am really amazed that more has not been mentioned of the under material. In the proto pics it looked old, dirty, deteriorated and authentic. The in hand pics lok like a piece of beige gauze fresh from the pack.
I mention this not to re-ignite a debate but because I finally feel vindicated in my continued concerns about SS QC. From my army green Cave Troll LSB to Indy's short wasted jacket (PF) to this. It seems that an unreasonably high percentage of great pieces have flaws that should not make it past the discerning eyes of SS employees. Are they things that can be overlooked? Yes. Are they things that are beyond correction (on future pieces) with procedure changes? No.
I hope the backlash from the community coveys a clear message to SS that we, as a their customer base, require a certain adherance to acceptable standards.
These concerns must be voiced in a mature and professional way but, if they are heard, we will all benefit in the long run with a higher quality product.
I hope whoever gets mine enjoys it... I know I would have if it had been what I thought I was purchasing.
I, for one, am glad this happened before they do a Saruman PF so they can get that one perfect
Congrats to all who did decide to keep it and truly enjoy it.