Morpheus from Matrix . . .

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That sculpt is spot on. Great work sunohc! You got a super team working on all the other elements too. Nice!

Quick Mock-Up (hope you don't mind):
if I get more than 21 people on the regular full figure (all clothing),
it is definitely a possibility to have the closed coat version which would not include the vest or pants, and it would be around $500 altogether

by, I didn't know about the size because it looked too small when they posed it with their figures but actually looks nice with that HT figure... :)
I'd like to participate. You can count me in. :)
actually, I think the jacket will be able to be closed or open since it's still the same jacket style :)
I was previously wondering about this but Kato told me it's the same jacket when open and closed, just looks different.

the "closed version set" will be available if there is interest past the original 21 I ordered :)

that looks awesome Kato, I love how detailed the back is too
Good luck on this project Daniel, looks wonderful. If I didn't
have all my money tied up in the Van Zan release, I'd surely
get one. But Alas, I will be broke for months now...:rotfl
I am using the lining with dots pattern, which is the similar to the one in movie

Here you are :clap




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Awesome! :thud:

And sure enough it is all one jacket!

How do you get it to open so nicely along the lapel lines like that?
Amazing work...fingers crossed I can get my hands on just the jacket at some point :pray: