Weeelll... I've tried not to say much as I'm supposed to quietly take pictures and Daniel will reveal for you all for pre-order but...
I'm sorry I can't help myself but I want to psych you guys up. Sunglasses aside, I'm looking at the completed figure right now. Get ready for a damn
In regards to the head, As I told Sean and Daniel I can't remember the last time if ever I unwrapped a custom head and literally exclaimed "Holy $#!^". This head... I have no words for this head.
Someone said something back of it being one of the best heads ever done and it was no lie, having it in hand I can attest to that. Just talking about the likeness... it's perfect, honestly I mean that. The subtleties in the paint job are astounding holding it next to Barack Obama from HT. You would think it's a HT head. The details, acne scares... eyes... all so realistic...
The whole thing, the outfit, the sword, the head... It just screams QUALITY. It WILL hold up to every single Hot Toys you own.
I own quite a few customs, heads full figures... all I appreciate, some I love and some I can't fathom were made by collectors. I think my Rainman figures are among the best and this is right there next to it. This is going to be all that you want it to be. Trust me.
Daniel, Kato, Sean and everyone else... what can I say? WELL DONE