Hey everyone, massive update I need to quickly send out, just arrived last week at school and haven't gotten around to doing all the things I should be doing.
Almost everyone who had ordered Morpheus heads, I sent them out without the sunglasses.
My friend in california will ship out the sunglasses separately as soon as they arrive. THere was a slight delay in casting due to the weather in Hong Kong.
Also, the Kato.E ties will be shipped out at the same time as well.
The artist cards have been delayed quite a bit.
I still haven't signed them

though everyone else has.
I'm kind of doubtful about shipping them from Mexico because I personally don't think the post office is reliable, and it's quite expensive as well.
Greggos ties, still haven't reached my address in Hawaii. I'm gonna wait a week a more, and if they don't arrive by then, I'm assuming they were lost?

If so, I will talk with Greggo and see if he can send them out individually to those who ordered them individually. Sorry about this.
I also emailed/PMd those who are still missing the Long Mag, Glock 18c. I ordered 10 from store-rooms.com and they never arrived (I got the refund). So if anyone who ordered a full figure and didn't receive the extra Glock 18-C (about 7 of you), let me know and I can either you the $6.00 so you can buy it yourself and have it shipped to your address directly.
There are still just a 1 or 2 more Morpheus Jackets left, and maybe one more set of vests and pants left. Let me know if you want those, I may be able to hook you up with a better price but all the accessories and such are no longer.
Sorry about all the delay, I promise the Neo figures will go out all at once and since it's my second time around, everything should be smoother
I didn't have time to sculpt Neo during my Christmas and New Years break because I was with my family (even my grandparents came!

) but I brought my sculpting tools (yes they're that portable haha) to do some work here.
thanks everyone!