Most worthless character to get the Hot Toys Treatment?

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Insufferable S.O.B.
Sep 12, 2005
Reaction score
Tree of Woe

A pathetic character that was introduced and then dispatched in about 1.15 minutes of screen time. Gets a Hot Toy.
iron man.

Was it Noland,Fatburns character in "Predators"?A figure that hasn't exactly set the World alight.And making Tonto without the Lone Ranger has to rank among the stupidest decisions ever.
all characters from ironman & starwars.

iron man.


Iron Man was alright before the release schedule became Iron Spam. He's been in at least one good film and produced some pretty nifty figures.

I think to calculate apex worthlessness, you need to consider a) screentime/recognisability of figure, b) actor/celebrity likeness involved, c) success of property figure is licensed from and d) aftermarket value.

On that basis Wong Ka Kui would score highly, but he's huge in Asia. Same goes for the various figures they've made based on Chinese movies, Japanese manga, etc.

I'd say Tonto has to be pretty high up the list. The Depp sculpt is rendered useless by the face paint, it's an unappealing design, the movie flopped and they couldn't even give the figure away at one point. Most of the b-list Iron Man suits that had less than 0.5 seconds screentime, and the cowboy Tony Stark. The Alien and Predator 'inspired' female figures too.

Maybe Captain Sao Feng from Pirates of the Caribbean for the top spot? I love Chow Yun Fat, but a figure of a borderline-racist yellow peril stereotype with a shaven head, Fu Manchu beard and deep facial scars is pretty useless even for custom fodder, his character had barely any screentime and he was in arguably the worst of the four films...
Iron Man was alright before the release schedule became Iron Spam. He's been in at least one good film and produced some pretty nifty figures.
i liked the movies (mainly for the character acting, as they all had story/script for a 10 minutes videoclip), but that suit is dull like teletubbies, that's what i meant.
Single character from sooooo many: Watchmen, PoTA, Platoon,Batman Returns, Batman Begins, Joker variations, IM variations, Wolverine, Depp films too many to choose a single one....
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John Blake.

I actually love TDKR. I like the character but man is he a worthless figure. It sucks that we got Blake but no Ras.
i liked the movies (mainly for the character acting, as they all had story/script for a 10 minutes videoclip), but that suit is dull like teletubbies, that's what i meant.

I thought some of the suit designs in the first two (the polished metal Mark II, the Mark III, the Mark IV, the briefcase armour and the first War Machine) were pretty great. It's very much been a law of diminishing returns since then though, I feel like they're getting way too busy with the designs. All the clean shape language and Stan Winston flare has gone out the window - they no longer look or feel like practical, working pieces of machinery.
Stan Lee is pretty unnecessary I must say. Alien Girl is so attracious

Can I got Dr Brown instead?