Insufferable S.O.B.

Anything that isn't iron man or star wars.
New Goblin's a good call. Best part of the set is the base.
And the Genisys Endo.
Hot Toys should have passed on Genisys and made the classic 1984 Endoskeleton and Biehn Reese instead.
So HT made a mistake making the sidekick Tonto first and they also made the mistake of making the main character of Avatar as well? Honestly they can't win. If you really wanted a Lone Ranger then you should have bought Tonto to support the line. Anyone who complains about not getting a Lone Ranger when they didn't buy Tonto only have themselves to blame. Same for all the Neytiri lovers who passed on Jake.
Also the main character of the highest grossing film of all time doesn't deserve a figure made? Ridiculous statement.
the selling point of a sidekick determines if the main character a movie is named after determines if said character gets a figure of their own.
Nah, creepy James Franco pics make up for the existence of this one.
It was a baffling choice for a Spidey villain release, though... why wouldn't you start with Venom if you're doing a SM3 line? :cuckoo Sometimes HT just don't make any damn sense.
HT George Lucas was pretty bad...
Reminds me a bit of the current, Filipino singer for Journey.Gotta go with Rose Hill Tony as well... I was positive that was a joke. But not only was it for real but also an atrocious figure.
As an honorable mention I'll add Leslie Cheung (he even got two figures!) to the list... I guess he's a big deal, but still a odd choice from my bubble of cultural encapsulation
Gotta go with Rose Hill Tony as well... I was positive that was a joke. But not only was it for real but also an atrocious figure.
As an honorable mention I'll add Leslie Cheung (he even got two figures!) to the list... I guess he's a big deal, but still a odd choice from my bubble of cultural encapsulation
Nah, creepy James Franco pics make up for the existence of this one.
It was a baffling choice for a Spidey villain release, though... why wouldn't you start with Venom if you're doing a SM3 line? :cuckoo Sometimes HT just don't make any damn sense.
I need to see a picture of that Lucas figure
I need to see a picture of that Lucas figure