Smoke a joint while you get your joint smoked..
smoke a joint while you get your joint smoked..
What what!!
I think as long as fakes are released after all of the originals are sold and the fakes are only represented as replicas, it's fine. They often don't look as nice as the originals, and so I don't see a real problem for the original companies. If people want to buy fakes after the originals have stopped being produced, then that says that too few were produced, and that SOMEONE should produce more. It SHOULD be the original company that re releases them. Nothing is stopping them from doing so. Just make it a second casting, like comic books have second printings. Frankly, with people in this world trying desperately to come up with profitable products and that being so difficult to do, I just don't understand how anyone would come up with something great that people really want, and then make a small number of them and say that's it, when people are STILL willing to buy MORE. It makes absolutely no sense to me. Make them serial numbered so people like the low numbers best, or make numbered casting editions, but please don't stop when you have a winner. The more a company makes, the more profits will increase. I think a company should make something as long as the people want it.
I think as long as fakes are released after all of the originals are sold and the fakes are only represented as replicas, it's fine. They often don't look as nice as the originals, and so I don't see a real problem for the original companies. If people want to buy fakes after the originals have stopped being produced, then that says that too few were produced, and that SOMEONE should produce more. It SHOULD be the original company that re releases them. Nothing is stopping them from doing so. Just make it a second casting, like comic books have second printings. Frankly, with people in this world trying desperately to come up with profitable products and that being so difficult to do, I just don't understand how anyone would come up with something great that people really want, and then make a small number of them and say that's it, when people are STILL willing to buy MORE. It makes absolutely no sense to me. Make them serial numbered so people like the low numbers best, or make numbered casting editions, but please don't stop when you have a winner. The more a company makes, the more profits will increase. I think a company should make something as long as the people want it.
Having an edition size is part of being a Collectible. Look at Kotobukiya. If SSC did what you are suggesting and what Koto does with its ArtFX line, Sideshows pieces would be as collectible as the Vinyl Darth Vader I have on my shelf. I paid $100 for it and if I need to sell it, I'm out $60.
If that where the case with Sideshows Marvel line among others, I would be even more selective in buying and buy fewer pieces. Just because I know they would loose value after I purchased it.
I think as long as fakes are released after all of the originals are sold and the fakes are only represented as replicas, it's fine. They often don't look as nice as the originals, and so I don't see a real problem for the original companies. If people want to buy fakes after the originals have stopped being produced, then that says that too few were produced, and that SOMEONE should produce more. It SHOULD be the original company that re releases them. Nothing is stopping them from doing so. Just make it a second casting, like comic books have second printings. Frankly, with people in this world trying desperately to come up with profitable products and that being so difficult to do, I just don't understand how anyone would come up with something great that people really want, and then make a small number of them and say that's it, when people are STILL willing to buy MORE. It makes absolutely no sense to me. Make them serial numbered so people like the low numbers best, or make numbered casting editions, but please don't stop when you have a winner. The more a company makes, the more profits will increase. I think a company should make something as long as the people want it.
Do first edition comic books lose their value just because a second printing comes out? If not, why would statues be any different?
I say who cares.
Man....are you even a Marvel fan or are you just trying to justify recasting?
When comics have a 2nd printing run they are printed different. Usually the cover says 2nd printing or something like that. Plus they will have a huge border around the cover.
Recasters are trying to copy the original piece exactly.
You couldn't be more wrong. I've seen plenty of 2nd printings that may say it in small print on the inside cover and that's it. A lot of people here slightly alter heads and then recast them. Are they classless? Just because they add a little something here or there aren't they still using the original artists work to make money? How about the people here that buy them? Should they be arrested? This piece has no info on the bottom of the base. No fake number or SS printing. No color box. A recast? Yes. An attempt to be an exact replica to deceive? No. No different than the work a lot of customizers here do.
Recasters aren't necessarily trying to copy anything exactly. Many are trying to alter (however slightly) an original piece and reproduce it for cash.
I'm not trying to justify my purchase to you cuz I don't give a rats azz what you think of me. Just trying to educate you.
The 2nd printing still says 2nd printing and it's done by the SAME comany. Not some lazy ******* that needs to copy someone elses work to make a living.
If someone changes the look of a statue then it's not the original anymore. It becomes thier work and they can do what they want with it. Recasters aren't doing that.
You were bragging how your fake looks just as good as the original and now you are saying that they aren't trying to copy it?
I would like to see Andy Bs', Pablo, Martin and the Gore Groups opinions on this.
I'm not a flipper.. If I don't want something I usually cancel it..
I also pretty much 100% buy directly from sideshow.
It all has no effect on me..