Name the 1 band.......

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I honestly feel Fat Bottom Girls is one of their worst songs...really. Also, he did the gay look because he was gay. I don't like him because of his leather chaps, I like him because he has a simply amazing voice. IMO there are songs that transcend genres, and enter into the category of possible greatest songs ever written, and Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody as well as Lynyrd Skynyrd's Freebird are those types of songs.

Anyway at least you didn't have anything bad to say about The Rolling Stones :D

Yeah, I agree completely. How can you call out Queen? The same band that wrote 'Princes of the Universe' (not their best but geez do I like that guitar.)

They set the bar and represent one of the greatest bands ever in my opinion, in terms of leaving their mark in music history. As LChinoz said, they really do "transcend" genres.
Probably U2 or Lynyrd Skynrd.

Oh it's on brutha! Legends:

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No one can do this song but them...NO ONE. Nuff said.

I think these guys could do a pretty good job. :D

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I disagree with all who named U2 as their band to never hear again..and those who said coldplay. Both commercial stadium rock but I don't see why that should go against them. Technically any band that 'gets popular' becomes commercial if I'm understanding the meaning of the word - so should bands deliberately strive to not become popular, just so a few people can feel like they're being original in their support of them? I'll never understand that, this need to always go for obscure stuff that as few people as possible have heard of.

But yeah MTV is crap. But do they still play music? I thought it was all 'pimp my ride', 'punked' and whatever variation on ******* is currently going.

Agreed, MTV is pure poo, even MTV2 nowadays too. MTV2 used to be the place you go to see vidoes...not so much anymore. I guess videos get no ratings.

I named U2, and it has nothing to do with them being stadium rock. It also does not have anything to do with being commercial. I loved Green Day's American Idiot and saw the tour, which was pure stadium. U2 could play in the Garden or a coffee shop, they are still craptacular.

I don't subscribe to the whole "sellout" idiology. If you make great music that happens to catch the ear of millions of people, you should get paid and put out a record on a good label. Nirvana comes to mind, and they were amazing. Same as Soundgarden, Queens of the Stone Age and countless other bands who got recognition for being awesome.
But U2, Greenday, Linkin Park - are all great - you guys have no taste.

:lol That comment cracked me up.

Green Day is awesome, pure and simple.
U2 sounds like a urinal cake probably tastes.
Linkin Park used to be pretty fun to listen to, before they turned into Nickleback (top 40 ballad, followed by top 40 ballad). After hearing their first album, I never thought they would be played on top 40 adult contemporary in the future. I was wrong... :lol
:lol That comment cracked me up.

Green Day is awesome, pure and simple.
U2 sounds like a urinal cake probably tastes.
Linkin Park used to be pretty fun to listen to, before they turned into Nickleback (top 40 ballad, followed by top 40 ballad). After hearing their first album, I never thought they would be played on top 40 adult contemporary in the future. I was wrong... :lol

I don't understand what's so bad having a top 40 record. :confused:
I had a similar experience. :lol

I was never a fan, but I had a friend who was a true Deadhead. I went with him to a few shows back in the 80s... The live shows were so much better compared to listening to their albums. And there were things I saw that I'm still not sure were real or not. :peace

Exactly, the Dead are not known for great studio albums or even the greatest music... but really the experience of the shows. Which can be pretty damn crazy :lol
I don't understand what's so bad having a top 40 record. :confused:

Nothing at all, if you're Kenny Loggins or Billy Joel.

If you are an angry nu-metal band who went completely soft, that's a different story. Of course there is nothing fundamentally bad about it, but it's just not for me. Heart is another example of a band who did this. To go from "Crazy on You" to "All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You" is brutal.
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Yeah, I agree completely. How can you call out Queen? The same band that wrote 'Princes of the Universe' (not their best but geez do I like that guitar.)

They set the bar and represent one of the greatest bands ever in my opinion, in terms of leaving their mark in music history. As LChinoz said, they really do "transcend" genres.

:google Boggles the mind my friend, boggles the mind :google I have met more people who dislike the Beatles than dislike Queen.
Probably U2 or Lynyrd Skynrd.

I think these guys could do a pretty good job. :D

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Oh make no mistake U2's rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody would be pure poop. Bono cannot hold a candle to Freddie. Also, Sykyrd could do a good rendititon, but again, it was not only the instrumentals but Freddie's voice that made that song. Van Zant is good, but his southern rock thing would not flow well with the song IMO. Oh and nice video of The Darkness. They are okay, but again Queen they are not. In fact, without Queen there would probably be no Darkness.

EDIT: Ah seeing your name I'd like to add I would actually like to see Mr. Tyler take a stab at some Queen. It again wouldn not be on Queen's level of course, but I would still like to hear it.
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I wasnt talking about U2 or Skynyrd doing Queen songs. They were my answers to the original question of this thread. I use to be a fan of both bands, but cant really stand to hear many of their songs anymore.

I think The Darkness would do a good version of some of Queens song. Thats if they were still a band. Maybe have Hot Leg do it instead? :D

Having Steven Tyler do a version of a Queen song would kick ass! Two of my favorites comibined in to one. Hell yeah!
I wasnt talking about U2 or Skynyrd doing Queen songs. They were my answers to the original question of this thread. I use to be a fan of both bands, but cant really stand to hear many of their songs anymore.

I think The Darkness would do a good version of some of Queens song. Thats if they were still a band. Maybe have Hot Leg do it instead? :D

Having Steven Tyler do a version of a Queen song would kick ass! Two of my favorites comibined in to one. Hell yeah!

Gotcha bro, misunderstanding :) I agree with you about U2...
Oh make no mistake U2's rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody would be pure poop. Bono cannot hold a candle to Freddie.

Just like if Freddie were alive to cover U2's Red Hill Mining Town or Bullet the Blue Sky or [insert virtually and pre-Zooropa U2 song) and it would suck balls (no pun intended.)

Seriously, comparing Freddie to Bono makes no sense. They make difference music. Bono's voice, especially from their early stuff, fits their style perfectly. Freddie was bombastic and theatrical. And let's agree on one thing: a band with a great lead singer is no guarantee of great music just as the opposite is true.

Say what you will about U2, but how many acts can you name that are in their 3rd decade and can still produce 4x platinum albums, generate tons of airplay and fill as many stadiums as they want to play? You can count them on one hand and have fingers to spare.

So while I understand why some people don't like them, you can't deny their legendary status. IMO, the music they make is far more relevant than anything Queen ever thought about making.

And you really should see a live U2 show to understand just how great they are.
Just like if Freddie were alive to cover U2's Red Hill Mining Town or Bullet the Blue Sky or [insert virtually and pre-Zooropa U2 song) and it would suck balls (no pun intended.)

Seriously, comparing Freddie to Bono makes no sense. They make difference music. Bono's voice, especially from their early stuff, fits their style perfectly. Freddie was bombastic and theatrical. And let's agree on one thing: a band with a great lead singer is no guarantee of great music just as the opposite is true.

Say what you will about U2, but how many acts can you name that are in their 3rd decade and can still produce 4x platinum albums, generate tons of airplay and fill as many stadiums as they want to play? You can count them on one hand and have fingers to spare.

So while I understand why some people don't like them, you can't deny their legendary status. IMO, the music they make is far more relevant than anything Queen ever thought about making.

And you really should see a live U2 show to understand just how great they are.[/QUOTE]

..I've mentioned to other U2 fans I don't like their music..I'm close to 40 so I've been forced to watch them grow...but why must U2 fans feel so determined to transform others who dislike them?
Just like if Freddie were alive to cover U2's Red Hill Mining Town or Bullet the Blue Sky or [insert virtually and pre-Zooropa U2 song) and it would suck balls (no pun intended.)

Seriously, comparing Freddie to Bono makes no sense. They make difference music. Bono's voice, especially from their early stuff, fits their style perfectly. Freddie was bombastic and theatrical. And let's agree on one thing: a band with a great lead singer is no guarantee of great music just as the opposite is true.

Say what you will about U2, but how many acts can you name that are in their 3rd decade and can still produce 4x platinum albums, generate tons of airplay and fill as many stadiums as they want to play? You can count them on one hand and have fingers to spare.

So while I understand why some people don't like them, you can't deny their legendary status. IMO, the music they make is far more relevant than anything Queen ever thought about making.

And you really should see a live U2 show to understand just how great they are.[/QUOTE]

..I've mentioned to other U2 fans I don't like their music..I'm close to 40 so I've been forced to watch them grow...but why must U2 fans feel so determined to transform others who dislike them? :duh
Just like if Freddie were alive to cover U2's Red Hill Mining Town or Bullet the Blue Sky or [insert virtually and pre-Zooropa U2 song) and it would suck balls (no pun intended.)

Seriously, comparing Freddie to Bono makes no sense. They make difference music. Bono's voice, especially from their early stuff, fits their style perfectly. Freddie was bombastic and theatrical. And let's agree on one thing: a band with a great lead singer is no guarantee of great music just as the opposite is true.

Say what you will about U2, but how many acts can you name that are in their 3rd decade and can still produce 4x platinum albums, generate tons of airplay and fill as many stadiums as they want to play? You can count them on one hand and have fingers to spare.

So while I understand why some people don't like them, you can't deny their legendary status. IMO, the music they make is far more relevant than anything Queen ever thought about making.

And you really should see a live U2 show to understand just how great they are.

Seen em last year. They were OK, but Pearl Jam, who also played with them, were way more entertaining IMO. I got bored during Where the Streets Have No Name. In any case, I do not disagree with the fact that they are legends, like I feel Queen are as well. Can't agree that U2 will go down as making music "far more relevant" than Queen, so we have to agree to disagree.