It's not rap, it's HIP-HOP! And it's not dead

The weak bull^^^^ "rappers" are getting all the attention while the people who make REAL HIP-HOP are going unnoticed. I bet most of you who say it's crap base it on what you hear on the radio and on TV. But if you checked out some of the others (see below) i'm sure some of you would say "Well, it's not all bad. There's some good stuff out there." or something. I'm a big Hip-Hop fan (since i was 6 years old). I'm not a big rock fan like many of you but there are some ^^^^ out there that makes me want to stab my ears with a screwdriver (same with so-called "hip-hop"). I guess Hip-Hop and rock are alot a like in that we need to look harder for the great music while all the lame commercial crap gives people the wrong impression of the music we love. A shame, really, but hopefully it will all change one day.
These a some of the groups and rappers i listen to and would recommend to everybody to check out....
A Tribe Called Quest, Atmosphere, Big Punisher, Black Milk, Common, De La Soul, Dead Prez, EMC, The Game, Gang Starr, Ice Cube, J Dilla, Jay-Z, Jedi Mind Tricks, KRS-One, Little Brother, Lupe Fiasco, Mos Def, MF Doom (Danger Doom, Madvillain, Viktor Vaughn), Masta Ace, Murs, M.O.P., The Notorious B.I.G., Nas, Outkast, Public Enemy, Pharoahe Monch, Redman, The Roots, Scarface, Sean Price, Talib Kweli, Wordsmith, Wordsworth & WU-TANG CLAN (Group, individual and affiliated) to name a few