Kobe is a genius, and I'm not saying that because the lakers are my team, because I actually don't like kobe that much. Magic is my favorite Laker. Kobe is definately talented, but there are more naturally gifted atheletes then kobe IMO. Tracy Magrady(in his prime) and Lebron I think have more natural talent then kobe. What sets kobe apart from the rest is that he is mentally tougher then anyone in the league and his drive to be the best is relentless. His work ethic and persistance is unmatched. He is like the terminator, he never dies. Just keeps getting back up for more. To stop kobe you have to chop off his legs and arms. And even after that, he'll still find away. Lebron is a better and more talented player IMO, but kobe's
WILL is what puts him past Lebron. Kobe is a Demon.
Kobe does have a weakness though. It is very easy to get him out of the "Team" game. He will never back down from a challenge. If you piss him off, or disrespect him or put a hand in his face, he will abondon his teammates and go one on one,one on two or one on five. Once you piss him off, he will do everything in his power to score on you, at the expense of his team. Even if there are 2 or 3 guys guarding him with an open man underneath the basket, he'll try to take it to the whole himself and score on you just to prove a point. He's getting a little better about that now, but still has his moments.