I have no problem with differences in opinion...however you're voicing your opinion in an inflammatory manner with hopes of ruining my ONE NYK day in the sun...sorry for you will never happen

I am posting in this thread to express my Happiness with this Blockbuster Trade as long-time NYK fan...and your contributions seem to be aimed towards de-railing my happiness and down-play the significance of this major move the Knicks made. I called you 16 because I truly didn't think some 33 years old would act as childish as you are. Your attitude seems to be that: "MY TEAM IS THE BEST...and NO OTHER TEAM CAN BE AS GOOD...BECAUSE WE'RE THE BEST." - kinda juvenile if you ask me...and my interaction with you makes me think you are not as old as you say you are...and if you are infact 33, i don't what else to say
Getting back to Top 10 talk...
The starting players in the ALL-STAR game are without question THE BEST OF THE BEST in the NBA. Sure it's voted...but NOT ONE player who started SHOULDN'T have been starting. It's an opinion, but substantiated by fact an majority vote. He is without a doubt a Top-10 player...if you wanna stretch it...i'll even give you top 12.
Your source/chart is one opinion about ESTIMATED added value/wins...key word ESTIMATED...once again another OPINION you are passing off as a fact