Maybe so, wish we could have seen how the healthy teams would have unfolded. However if we were at full and you were missing pip and harp we would have rolled you too..
Maybe so, wish we could have seen how the healthy teams would have unfolded. However if we were at full and you were missing pip and harp we would have rolled you too..
Problem is that MELO isn't really the kind of player that makes those around him better. He shoots a bad percentage (as far as marquee players go), his defense is a liability, and he's a black hole--refusing to pass the ball.
Makes me LAUGH when people were actually making the argument that they'd rather have Melo than Bron. LMAO
Thats pretty much true, but at least Melo can make a shot with the game on the line. Sometimes you need that "gimme the ball" attitude. I'd much rather have LeBron, of course if I was building a team from scratch. That said, the Heat with Wade, Bosh and Melo would be better, IMO than Wade, Bosh and LeBron.
On the other side, LeBron and Amare would be better than Melo and Amare.
Straight up trade would improve both teams. How about Wade and Bosh to NY for Amare and Fields.
who started..hodges?
Starting 5 was Jordan, Pippen, Grant, Paxson, and Cartwright.
lol, Cartwright and Pax were MJ's _____es....
Josh ever read "The Jordan Rules"? - great read, I highly recommend it...
Trust me man, while he was with the Suns I had much of the same frustrations with him.... just thinking what he "could" be if he gave a damn about THE GAME instead of himself and the money, it is frustrating to see him play less than his potential.
With his athleticism he should be dominating the boards and a nightmare to most people in the paint on both ends of the floor. yet he plays like he came straight from europe.
yeah they did.....Then-Bulls Center Bill Cartwright, for example, is memorably qoted as saying that Jordan is, "Maybe the greatest athelete ever to play any sport...He's just not a basketball player."
yeah they did.....Then-Bulls Center Bill Cartwright, for example, is memorably qoted as saying that Jordan is, "Maybe the greatest athelete ever to play any sport...He's just not a basketball player."
...That said, the Heat with Wade, Bosh and Melo would be better, IMO than Wade, Bosh and LeBron.
I want to be quoted as saying that Bill Cartwright had the most beautiful looking jumpshot of all time. It was as elegant as watching Chris Dudley shoot a free throw.