not impressed
with the FULL Lakers team that almost lost to a short-handed Suns? yeah I can understand that.
not impressed
No I'm not impressed what Kerr did to your team.. Sure having Shaq and JR is an interesting idea to add to any team..
But you guys had great chemistry and hadn't run your course yet.. Chemistry is hard to come by..
You guys were a great team to watch... It was beautifull.. Now its just another team..
I do think that team could beat Dallas and SA today... And could have given the Lakers bigger problems than this current team can..
I actually think not having Shaq on the floor the other night made it tough for us.. We are better 1/2 court defenders than transition defenders.. Shaq slows you down.. That old 7 seconds and under would have exposed one of our biggestt weaknesses, defending speed..
You were 1 game away from putting SA away for good before the hipcheck..
That team would dominate SA and Dallas today IMO..
Nash/Shaq combo never really clicked.. 2 different speeds..
Nash/Marion combo was exciting.. The ally oops and Marrions shot blocking leading to fast breaks..
JR can score thats for sure.. Maybe even more so now w/ nash..
If Shaq would scrap and so some dirty work along w/ get in shape you could be good.. But he's allready talking about his next stop in his career..
Im not a big shoe guy anymore.. Flip flops for me these days...
Tonight we were missing our best player this season in Pau.. But aside from that we seem to play just enough defense in short spurts just to get by.. In the beginning of the season we were locking teams down like it was our mission.. Now we seem to just try and outscore our opponent while letting them rack up points..
I love seeing rabid defense and it kind of disgusts me watching other teams guards get layup after layup and rotating slowly to the open man.. I know we can play better D than we have this last month or so..
I admire the way the Celtics play.. They play w/ passion and leave blood on the court.. We can learn alot from them, hopefully our defense shows up on Christmas day..
I love watching those lil guards play aside from when they are destroying my team.. Bynums help defense needs to pick it up.. that lil guy getting layups is a sin.. But quickness kills us..
I had alot of respect for Kerr before he damaged your team.. He really made a mess of a team that had a solid chance.. Now it looks like a patchwork veteran team from the 90's.. I hears Nash say that he felt like he is the one thats been traded w/ the new everything around him.. JJ Reddick?.. WTF.. The dude is a bust.. Why they need him?..
Knicks are looking to land 2 superstars and have the money to do it when they are available..
I hadnt heard the Marion to Cavs rumor.. Who's involved?.. Cavs want to show Lebrom the are serious..
On a side lesser note.. Sasha "The Machine" is on the trading block..
Varajao is the other Cav player. Marion easily replaces Wally, but the Cavs lose much needed toughness in Varajao. Marion has good rebounding stats, how is his D?