LeBron says 2012 team would beat the 1992 Dream Team

LeBron says 2012 team would beat the 1992 Dream Team:
Yeah I don't understand the criticism, the dream team did not play the international teams that today's team has to play, it's really incomparable. I still think the original dream team is the better team but I also agree that this current team could take a game from them, they did lose to college kids after all.
daley rigged that game. it was in the last documentary
Ewing and robinson vs currents one average center give origunal big edge. If howard and bynum were in there then it would be a discussion.
Robinson/Ewing > Howard/Bynum though.
daley rigged that game. it was in the last documentary
I was just about to mention this...Daly wanted the Dream Teamers to get motivated and it worked after they destroyed anyone they played against after that.
LMAO @ anyone who thinks this Olympic team can beat the all-mighty 1992 Dream Team.
but that's my point isn't it? there was no real fix because there really couldn't be (unless Laettner was the only one on the floor during the game; then yeah it was rigged) and they could be beat by decent players on any given day; let remember the teams that they actually played. Nothing by today's standard.
Again not belitting the Dream Team but it's unrealistic to think that they could never be beaten by another good team full of NBA stars and a really good coaching staff.