NECA: 1/4 Marvel Figures

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Re: NECA: 1/4 The Avengers

$300 is a joke and a deal breaker but damnit I want it. Won't pay $300, but still want it
Re: NECA: 1/4 The Avengers

From the front, the mark 43 doesn't look as nice after all.

Yeah, the earlier photos taken from a slightly higher angle made the proportion look better. I'm thinking of getting one, still, so I could pose the HT version with the RDJ head. I would just have to weather this one a bit.
Re: NECA: 1/4 The Avengers

Just heard it will be close to $300.



So let me get this straight: NECA won't bump up the quality of their other figures (or do a limited collector-aimed line) for fear of having to price them too high, but they'll ask $300 for this?

Welcome to the big leagues, I guess. Paint it like a high end figure or shove that tag up your arses, NECA. I'm out.

PS: Really? They've been trying to make this happen for two years? Where was this kind of determination when the s****y plastic candy netting on peoples' 1/4 Predators was breaking? Not even an additional $50 to the price tag to fix that, but they're putting this hunk of plastic out for statue money. What a joke. I hope I'm wrong, I hope it's great, but I really don't see this looking like it should for that kind of dough. Could look nice, could even look good, but not enough to justify what they want it to run for.
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Re: NECA: 1/4 The Avengers

Didn't expect this to go higher than $230ish. If they want to price this guy like a high end collectible that's all the more reason that they need to remove the big ugly 'hey look I'm a toy' ab cut/crunch. The paint quality better increase with the price and I agree that a stand is mandatory. Don't mess this up Neca! You have been gaining momentum.

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Re: NECA: 1/4 The Avengers

I'll believe $300 when I see it, NECA has done everything they can to keep their 1/4 line at $150 or less, why would they suddenly doubly that. There is nothing about Hulk that's any more complicated than Iron Man or their other 1/4 offerings to justify it and his paint should be very basic. Unless they have a way and plan to pull off HT level paint, there's no way this comes in at $300, no one will buy, stores that normally carry these and see them collect dust on shelves won't order one that now costs the price of two, it just isn't going to happen, I think the $300 is rumor mill, I'll be shocked if he's anything over $200 and if he is $300, I'll try to spend $75 and get the deluxe HT and get my money's worth, NECA's is a glorified action figure, what you'll get is nowhere near worth $300, I'm all about the value of what I get for what I pay.
Re: NECA: 1/4 The Avengers

Right on MF.

This won't be $300, more like $150-$175.

Sadly the entire industry is seeing increases across the board though all the way from the crappy to the great.
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Re: NECA: 1/4 The Avengers

I think that range could be justified, I just don't know how you could say Iron Man is $100 and expect 3 times that for Hulk. Forgetting articulation, just painting Iron Man is more complex, Hulk could be airbrushed with ease, other than hair, eyes and eyebrows, there are no spots that have to paint "within the lines" but Iron Man's armor has to be very exact, plus the metallic finish. I see $300 value in him more than Hulk.
Re: NECA: 1/4 The Avengers

Hopefully $250. But seeing it next to a grown adult makes you realize just how big it is.

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Re: NECA: 1/4 The Avengers

Even at $250 I'm out, this would have to come out at HT quality to be worth that, and NECA doesn't have the resources to pull that off.
Re: NECA: 1/4 The Avengers

I think it should be $200 at best, then again I don't understand too much of the business. Not defending the price but at that size wouldn't Hot Toys quality be closer to the $500 price range?

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Re: NECA: 1/4 The Avengers

That's the thing, for $275, at 6 inches short, with MUCH higher quality paint, PERS and nearly equaly articulation with smoother body sculpt, you can get the HT AOU Hulk, for another $100 you get a second head and upper torso in a pose NO figure can achieve naturally.

NECA's figure is about 6" taller, obviously wider, than their other 18" offerings, but it's Hulk, a much simpler paint scheme, and the articualtion doesn look like anything more than your average 7" NECA would come with, so where is the value at $300, they'd have to do a paint job on par with Hot Toys to come close and they can't. Hell, the 18" Knifehead wasn't even $300 and I feel like that shows closer to $300 worth than Hulk, I just don't get their though process with this pricing. This'll sit on shelves for a long time.
Re: NECA: 1/4 The Avengers

I'd be a buyer at $200, max and that's cause I'm a big hulk fan
Re: NECA: 1/4 The Avengers

very Affordable price, great Hulk sculpt, Im in !!!!