NECA: 1/4 Marvel Figures

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Re: NECA: 1/4 The Avengers

^^ Looks like the Nick Cage version of Iron-Man lol

I was thinking Walken with a beard myself :lol

Re: NECA: 1/4 The Avengers

NECA's sculpts are actually really good. It's their paint apps that screw **** up. Paying $100+ and having to repaint doesn't hurt, but paying $300+ and then having to repaint it!? NECA better step up their game with this figure. The paint better have layers not one run of flat green. I'm not paying $300 for this figure. To be honest $200 is pushing it with me, but that's a price I would start weighing if I'm in or not.

Idk fellas, a 24" HT Hulk with that width would be way more expensive.

HT Hulk of that size would definitely run $500, but you also get a level of craftsmanship that is above and beyond anything you'll ever find in a toy store.

Based on everything, NECA's potential $300 for Hulk is all based on his size, and I'll give it that it's much wider and a fair bit taller than the rest of their 18" figures, however, they have done far more intricately detailed paint jobs on figures and come in at $100 or less, I just can't see how the slightly extra mass can justify tripling the cost, they have to come through with HT level paint to make it make sense. I realize shipping might be higher because you can't really break hulk down into pieces, but I couldn't see that adding more than $50.

Look what you could get from NECA at 1/4" scale for $100 or less.







Right now, I'm anticipating a paint job of this level.


Which would totally be worth $150 given his size, but not twice that.
Re: NECA: 1/4 The Avengers

I don't claim to know the in's and out's of the toy business but $300 to me seems like a fishing expedition. There are many things Hot Toys produces that I balk at when it comes to price. However, I do see the value in much of their product even though I'll never get it because I think its over priced. NECA, on the other hand, has a history of inconsistency in value. This can be at level with other higher ends pieces, but has a better chance of landing with the sub-par product they are more known for.
Re: NECA: 1/4 The Avengers

This is a Avengers Neca thread right? So therefore allow us here to appreciate the art of what we like; while you masterbate and praise your high end rubber sausage dolls. Fu... hate trolls ....jeesh.. can't even enjoy the hobby without some clowns always trying to get their kicks..Don't like neca don't buy.. Simple right.
Re: NECA: 1/4 The Avengers

I own tons of stuff...Hot Toys, sideshow, 3a, 3zero etc.....

None...I repeat...None give me the joy if my 1/4 scale Necas.

Cherno Alpha
Batman Arkham Origins
Master Chief
Iron man mk7
Just to name a few....

For $100 they are a embarrassment to those "boutique " priced items.

In sculpting, paint ,build, and features....oh yea and SIZE.. They are the best bang for the Buck period.

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Re: NECA: 1/4 The Avengers

That's my point, NECA's value in the 1/4 scale has always been high, $100 or less for most and look what you get. That's why I'm scratching my head, if the Pacific Rim guys never hit $300, why is Hulk? Size alone is not good enough justification. The paint needs to be the most impressive thing NECA's ever done to keep that value.

And most of my movie collection now is NECA, I love th company and have some amazing figures from them and always felt the quality of what I got was well worth what I paid, this Hulk is th first time I've really been taken back by pricing, given their quality I really expected $200 for Hulk tops.
Re: NECA: 1/4 The Avengers

I'm guessing maybe it's licencing... maybe.
Or just old fashion demand.
Go look at and hold and admire threezeos Titanfall Atlas...Then ask how in the sane world is HT asking almost a grand for HulkBuster.
It makes zero sense other than demand.
ATLAS has more engineering, more mixed media, more details, more everything... it's $400..HB is double?

Maybe Neca knows the demand for a hulk. And they see the going prices for HT stuff.
I say good for them...They've been giving us more than we're paying for, for years.
Most Pacific Rim 18' toys are barely breaking even and they said Striker will probably be a loss.
I hope they make money, cause it all goes away if they don't.

My HT stealth Iron man is shipping today...$350 rip.
Yea I bought it...sucker that I am. I bet Necas Hulk will make him look pathetic on my shelf and still will be less
Re: NECA: 1/4 The Avengers

I'm just disappointed because HT Hulk is out of my price range, and based on the history of their 1/4 scale offerings, I figure NECA would be affordable, plus I'd even get a little extra size and I knew NECA's sculpt would be better, and it is.

Until he's up for order somewhere, there's no telling for sure, like I mentioned before, the $300 comment could be a PR move or it could be dead on. I'll probably try to get him if it is $300, just seems less likely.

I know recycling is often a draw for NECA, 2 Iron Man and 2 Captain America figures with just a little repaint and head swap, why not a dirty Hulk with the crazy eyes and since his pants are cloth, give him film accurate pants for a Hulk from the HB fight, now you get two sales for the work of one figure basically.

Regardless of my buying options, can't wait to see it painted.
Re: NECA: 1/4 The Avengers

I really like Neca and I enjoy the price point at $100. I currently own:

Neca Grapple Gun
Neca Batarang

1/4 Scale:
89 Batman
Arkham Origins
Dark Knight Joker
Gypsy Danger
Striker Eureka
Predator Jungle - Bio, closed and open mouth
Predator 2 - both heads
Elder Predator
Master Chief
Iron Man
Iron Man battle damaged

I have on pre-order:
Batman Arkham Knight ver.
Batman Begins
Iron Man Mark 43

If they change the price points to over $100, I am going to have a real hard time with it. I didn't like Thor or Cap but I really want this Hulk. Not sure if I want to spend more then $150 though. I didn't buy Knifehead because I thought he was over-priced.
Re: NECA: 1/4 The Avengers

I think MF has put up an excellent rebuttal on why Neca shouldn't go the $300 route, very valid reasons.

Will I buy at $300, of course.

Will I be happy, no.

But I looked at his size and decided he is a must own even if that means I need to eat canned peas for a month.

Sucks to be a Hulk fan I guess. :lol
Re: NECA: 1/4 The Avengers

I just don't understand posting a quote back to a conversation from a year ago with no context to why quoting it.

Wait 'til your 1 year old has a conversation with you there'll be plenty of no context. You'll have to fill in what you should have know according to them.:lol