NECA 1/4 scale predator

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Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

I think you were trying to say NECA are business strategists....and you dont have to buy.

I think.

And that is true. But at the same time, I dont like how this worked out. Add on to the fact that the figure could look like trash after NECA's painters touch it. That's what scares me. I surely hope not. I really do. But the Classic Predator looked pretty poor. As did the whole Predators line. But i'm hoping that since it's going to be big, the paint work will be up to par with the Proto.....but I dunno.

I just wish this forum wasnt taken over by douches who praise NECA and attacks everyone who disagrees. :dunno...but whattaya gonna do.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

I dont think a Predator with 3 heads would cost 240 bucks.

100 ish....probably. 120 maybe. I'd pay that. Honestly. I'd pay that for a 20 inch Predator with 3 heads.

Well I'm figuring that it's to balance out the costs to produce, so I figure 1 with 3 heads would cost the same as 3 separate just to get back the same ammount.

NECA's also thinking about the comic shop, teenage market that might buy these up too, where $80 for one figure, no matter what it comes with, could be pushing too costly, so they bring down the individual prices spreading things out.

NECA's working to balance out their offerings and prices among the die hard fans who'll buy anything from their favorite properties and the more casual customers who walk into a comic shop and impulsively buy things that look cool on the shelf.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

I doubt this will be sold in stores. It'll probably be like the Balrog. No matter how cool, NECA's 18inchers rarely ever seel.

But still, one head shouldnt be THAT expensive. Wouldnt be more expensive to produce 3 seprate Predators rather then one with 2 or three heads? Perhaps I shall do some research....
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

I don't think the cost of making 3 separate or one with 3 heads is all that much different, I think it's about the most appealing marketing.

One Predator for $80 or one Predator for $200. If people care mainly about 1 head, you can more easily sell them just that one head for $80 than charge more for heads they don't want. I feel better about getting the head I care most about for only $80 than I would having to spend $200 and getting parts I don't even care about.

People that care enough to have all 3 heads will be willing to spend $200 and will be it for a single figure with them all or 3 separate.

This is the smartest stategy, it caters to a number of buying mentalities and should be the more successful option for NECA.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Hardly. 3 Giant ass Predators which I have no room for. :lol I dont agree.

And Maul, let's find out how much it costs to produce these things. I want the truth. I want to know if NECA is doing what they have to, or if they're pulling something. This will be interesting if the NECA fanboys dont ruin it.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Every company pulls something dude.

It's all about profit...doesn't matter what they say about how they're all about collectors.

Every company is out to make money.
Releasing 3 Preds is NECA's strategy.
If it works for them, more power to them.

You can discover all you want, it won't change anything.

Hot Toys shrunk their P1 to save money and make more profit...they all try and find ways to increase their gain.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

I don't care what they cost to make. All I'm trying to say is that, say all 15,000 figures cost 1 million dollars to make, NECA makes a decision that they want to double what they invested so they have to sell 2 million dollars.

In order to reach that number, you have the option of 3 low priced figures or 1 expensive figure. The probability of getting the money back they hope for is higher selling multiple cheaper figures than 1 expensive one.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

I don't care what they cost to make. All I'm trying to say is that, say all 15,000 figures cost 1 million dollars to make, NECA makes a decision that they want to double what they invested so they have to sell 2 million dollars.

In order to reach that number, you have the option of 3 low priced figures or 1 expensive figure. The probability of getting the money back they hope for is higher selling multiple cheaper figures than 1 expensive one.


Profit drives the company.

If they don't make money...we don't get new stuff.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

I really don't see why this is such a surprise, NECA's been doing it the past year with their T2 and Predator figures, reusing the same parts over and over to help profits. When NECA's making a figure based on the T2 theme park ride, you know they could use the further sales off the same parts to increase profits.

That's why I haven't even got the PREDATORS classic, I'm almost certain NECA will put out a P1 figure with the roaring head, they won't be able to resist more money off the parts. It may come well after PREDATORS classic is sold out so as not to conflict, but it'll happen.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

No I know it wont change anything. I get they want money. Who doesnt....but it still annoys me. And I want to know the truth. I guess i'm the only one. Oh well.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

I really don't see why this is such a surprise, NECA's been doing it the past year with their T2 and Predator figures, reusing the same parts over and over to help profits. When NECA's making a figure based on the T2 theme park ride, you know they could use the further sales off the same parts to increase profits.

That's why I haven't even got the PREDATORS classic, I'm almost certain NECA will put out a P1 figure with the roaring head, they won't be able to resist more money off the parts. It may come well after PREDATORS classic is sold out so as not to conflict, but it'll happen.

It's not a suprise. That's why it pisses me off....But I figured they wouldnt do this because there was such a demand for it. And how "for the fans" they were when talking about this. And the fact I want it, and dont want 3 giant Predators.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

It's always been the key. :lol

Obviously me being pissed off has always been about me...:lol
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

But still, one head shouldnt be THAT expensive. Wouldnt be more expensive to produce 3 seprate Predators rather then one with 2 or three heads? Perhaps I shall do some research....

No, it's not more expensive to produce one figure with three heads, rather then three full figures.
But three full figures will bring MORE money then one figure with three heads. What's so hard to understand.

If you want 1/4 predator, you'll get it for $80. If you want 1/4 predator with different heads, you'll buy more predators.
NECA gets money from people willing to pay more to have it all.

For such figure at $80, I really see no reason for you to get upset, and demand some answers on the way NECA is handling their business. For Gods sake, they want to earn money. They do not do this out of charity.
If you can get Hot Toys figures at their prices, you surely can this figure at $80.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Oh I understand. But I think it's ____ing stupid. And it's not even a price issue. What am I going to do with 3 giant ass Predators? :lol

Maybe i'll put them in various places around the house. By the toilet, in the backyard...maybe on the roof...:lol

Obviously arguing with me about this isnt going to change anything...and i'm only doing it right now because i'm waiting for something :lol...

I'm still buying one. So NECA still getting my money.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Why are we still discussing the fact that NECA is releasing 3 preds instead of 1 with 3 different heads?
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

I just wish this forum wasnt taken over by douches who praise NECA and attacks everyone who disagrees. :dunno...but whattaya gonna do.

I feel the same. Its become rather annoying, if I was ever like that (I don't believe I was, least nowhere near to that extent) I ask for forgiveness from my fellow boardies.